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Reviews For Light in Dark Eyes

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 06/09/2008 06:42 am · Chapter: Light in Dark Eyes
This is an excellent look into the relationship between Lily and Severus. You create such a vivid picture in your reader's mind. The emotions are so well done here. Great story.

Name: fhestia (Anonymous) · Date: 07/03/2008 05:41 am · Chapter: Light in Dark Eyes
Everything about this story is absolutely gorgeous; the details, the chararcterization, the lyrical writing. So heartbreaking...

Name: Elena (Signed) · Date: 10/01/2008 01:50 am · Chapter: Light in Dark Eyes

Oh Jessi!!! How horribly sad, yet fantasticly brilliant!!

I LOVED the darkness that surrounded this story. Although, the underlying meaning is about Love, not every love story has a happy ending and for Severus and Lily, it never was either.

I only found one mistake and that was having Severus there when Peter betrayed them. Although the scene itself was fantastic and I loved reading Sev's anger towards Peter for giving up the Potter's, but if Sev knew that Peter was the traitor, then he would of said as much and Peter would never been made the Secret Keeper.

Other then that...Just wonderful. I had tears in my eyes when Dumbledore sent word of what happened and I loved your last line.

"And he knew, then, that the only time he would ever see her again would be as a reflection in her son's emerald eyes."

That is so true, and sets up the story as to why Sev despises Harry from the moment he lays eyes on him at Hogwarts...*sigh*...Just wonderful!!!

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