Please make sure that the person you are nominating is aware of this. It is possible that they do not know about Gluttony and may not want to participate. Where I have asked for contact details - Do NOT post any email addresses here. If they can be reached at a certain site, then you may list that, else place this "Will contact you if this person wins."
Code: Select all
[b]Your Penname on Gluttony:[/b]
[b]Name of Graphic Artist:[/b]
[b]Link to story where you are displaying one of their banners made for you:[/b] [url=http://urlofstoryhere]Story Title Here[/url]
[b]Where can I contact this person, if they win? (see first post about the rules on this question.)[/b]
[b]A short reason why you are nominating:[/b]