Thank you to all who participated in nominations and congratulations to all who have won so far You are all truly deserving.
The Best Of's
- Vote for the Best Reviewer - Nominees: Holly Ilex and datbenik513
- Winner for Best Fan Girl - Holly Ilex
- Winner for Best Collaboration - The Seeker @ The Golden Snitches for their collaboration: 'Cupid's Calling'
- Winner for Best Writers Forum/Site - The Golden Snitches
- The Best Twilight Fan Fic - No nominations
- Vote for Pre-Hogwarts Era - Nominees: - magicmuggle for 'Paper Hearts' and witnesstoitall for 'Mirror, Mirror'
- Vote for Post-Hogwarts Era - Nominees: Georgia Weasley for 'Enough' and BKL8008 for 'The Minstrel Boy'
- Vote for Next Generation Era - Nominees: BKL8008 for 'Harry Potter and the New Marauders' and SiriuslyPeeved for 'In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb'
- Winner for Hogwarts Era - Georgia Weasley for 'Full Marks'
- Winner for Marauder Era - Bella Portia for 'Wizards' Sabbath Prologue'
- Vote for best Angst - Nominees: war and peace for 'Pillar of Salt' and pookha for 'Ashes'
- Vote for best AU (Alternate Universe) - Nominees: Pookha for 'The Dementor's First Kiss', datbenik513 for 'I Remember' or 'Shadowlands'
- Winner for Best Romance - magicmuggle for 'Windsong'
- Winner for Best Drama - JLHufflepuff for 'Visions of Greatness'
- Winner for Best Action/Adventure - Elena for 'Blaze of Glory: Magical vs Muggle'
- Winner for Best Humour - pookha for 'Weasleys are away (the half-kneazle will play)'
- Best Canon - No nominations
- Best Mystery/Suspense - No Nominations
- Vote for best One-Shot - Nominees: Kristen Bernadine for 'A Broken Hallelujah' and Jellyman for 'The Perfect Plan of Padfoot and Prongs'
- Winner for Best Drabble - Potterverse for 'The Visitor'
- Winner for Best Novel - SiriuslyPeeved for 'Unwritten'
- Best Short Story - No Nominations
- Best Trilogy/Series - No Nominations
- Vote for best Original Story - Nominees: Kristen Bernadine for 'A Broken Hallelujah' or 'September 11, 2001' and DarkLadyofSlytherin for 'Dark Blood'
- Winner for Best Original Character (Fan Fiction) - Holly Ilex for 'Anna Twigg' in 'Having Both is a Blessing'
- Best Original Character (Original Fiction) - No Nominations
- Winner for Best Ship (Harry Potter) - Georgia Weasley for 'Draco/Asteria' in 'Enough'
- Best Ship (Other Fan Dom) - No Nominations
- Best Unusual Pairing (Other Fan Dom) - No Nominations
- Best Unusual Pairing (Harry Potter) - No Nominations
- Vote for Member's Choice (Author) - Harry Potter - Nominees: Georgia Weasley and datbenik513
- Winner for Member's Choice (Story) - Harry Potter - Bella Portia for 'Wizard's Sabbath Prologue'
- Member's Choice (Graphic Artist) - No Nominations
- Member's Choice (Beta) - No Nominations
- Member's Choice (Author) - Other Fan Dom: No Nominations
- Member's Choice (Story) - Other Fan Dom: No Nominations