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Best Writers Forum/Site

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:54 pm
by Elena
This is a category for sites that help you with writing. It CAN NOT be a forum that is a part of an archive. For example, Temperance wouldn't be allowed, as it is the forum for Gluttony. The site you nominate MUST be independent. Live Journal and other sites are welcome, as long as no stories are posted there and it is strictly for helping with writing. Also, please make the site admin's aware that you are nominating them. It is possible that they do not know Gluttony and may not wish to participate.

Code: Select all

[b]Your Penname on Gluttony:[/b]
[b]Site you are nominating and link:[/b] [url=http://siteurlhere]Site Name[/url]
[b]User name on the above site:[/b]
[b]Reason for nominating:[/b]

Re: Best Writers Forum/Site

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:33 am
by pookha
Your Penname on Gluttony: pookha
Site you are nominating and link: eHPF
User name on the above site: pookha
Reason for nominating: The friends I have made on eHPF have helped me in my writing so much. Especially the beta work of reallyginny and Bella_Portia.

Oh, and I told an admin from the site that I nominated them. (Hello, me, I nominated the site for a PI award. Oh, okay.)

Re: Best Writers Forum/Site

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:24 am
by Georgia_Weasley
a Your Penname on Gluttony: Georgia Weasley
Site you are nominating and link: eHPF
User name on the above site: Georgia Weasley
Reason for nominating: This site is such a close community of fanfic writers and friends. It's become more than a writing group, and is more like a little family. I love my eHPF friends.