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Best Reviewer

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:57 pm
by Elena
This is for that reviewer who not only enjoys your story, but helps you with some CC (Constructive Criticism) feedback and is someone you look forward to seeing reviewing your stories :)

Code: Select all

[b]Your Penname on Gluttony:[/b]
[b]Panname of Reviewer and link to their author page:[/b] [url=http://authorpageurlhere]Penname of Reviewer[/url]
[b]Reason for nominating:[/b]

Re: Best Reviewer

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:31 am
by pookha
Your Penname on Gluttony: pookha
Panname of Reviewer and link to their author page: Bella_Portia
Reason for nominating: Bella_Portia always gives lengthy, quality reviews full of useable CC

Re: Best Reviewer

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:15 pm
by datbenik513
Your Penname on Gluttony: datbenik513
Panname of Reviewer and link to their author page: Holly_Ilex
Reason for nominating: 2-3 simple words and Holly puts everything in place. Being so generous to review each and every chapter she reads and send her corrections and afterthoughts, Holly's been helping me enormously to become a better writer.

Re: Best Reviewer

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:17 am
by Holly Ilex
Your Pen-name on Gluttony Holly Ilex
Pen-name of Reviewer and link to their author page[url=http://] datbenik513[/url]
Reason for nominating datbenik513 has been a faithful reviewer of not only my LONG stories, but he has done quite a few insightful reviews of other stories here on GF. We might not always agree on some topics, but I appreciate his 'suave' European view of things. And he takes as well as gives, which is fun, and he always 'gets the joke', when I explain his translation boo-boos. HE!HE!HE!