Vote in the PI Awards and some Winners Announced
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:27 pm
I'm sorry this has taken so long, but here is the list of Voting threads and Winners by default. Please click on links to collect awards, all titled links rated 12+.
Thank you to all who participated in nominations and congratulations to all who have won so far You are all truly deserving.
The Best Of's
Thank you to all who participated in nominations and congratulations to all who have won so far You are all truly deserving.
The Best Of's
- Vote for the Best Reviewer - Nominees: Holly Ilex and datbenik513
- Winner for Best Fan Girl - Holly Ilex
- Winner for Best Collaboration - The Seeker @ The Golden Snitches for their collaboration: 'Cupid's Calling'
- Winner for Best Writers Forum/Site - The Golden Snitches
- The Best Twilight Fan Fic - No nominations
- Vote for Pre-Hogwarts Era - Nominees: - magicmuggle for 'Paper Hearts' and witnesstoitall for 'Mirror, Mirror'
- Vote for Post-Hogwarts Era - Nominees: Georgia Weasley for 'Enough' and BKL8008 for 'The Minstrel Boy'
- Vote for Next Generation Era - Nominees: BKL8008 for 'Harry Potter and the New Marauders' and SiriuslyPeeved for 'In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb'
- Winner for Hogwarts Era - Georgia Weasley for 'Full Marks'
- Winner for Marauder Era - Bella Portia for 'Wizards' Sabbath Prologue'
- Vote for best Angst - Nominees: war and peace for 'Pillar of Salt' and pookha for 'Ashes'
- Vote for best AU (Alternate Universe) - Nominees: Pookha for 'The Dementor's First Kiss', datbenik513 for 'I Remember' or 'Shadowlands'
- Winner for Best Romance - magicmuggle for 'Windsong'
- Winner for Best Drama - JLHufflepuff for 'Visions of Greatness'
- Winner for Best Action/Adventure - Elena for 'Blaze of Glory: Magical vs Muggle'
- Winner for Best Humour - pookha for 'Weasleys are away (the half-kneazle will play)'
- Best Canon - No nominations
- Best Mystery/Suspense - No Nominations
- Vote for best One-Shot - Nominees: Kristen Bernadine for 'A Broken Hallelujah' and Jellyman for 'The Perfect Plan of Padfoot and Prongs'
- Winner for Best Drabble - Potterverse for 'The Visitor'
- Winner for Best Novel - SiriuslyPeeved for 'Unwritten'
- Best Short Story - No Nominations
- Best Trilogy/Series - No Nominations
- Vote for best Original Story - Nominees: Kristen Bernadine for 'A Broken Hallelujah' or 'September 11, 2001' and DarkLadyofSlytherin for 'Dark Blood'
- Winner for Best Original Character (Fan Fiction) - Holly Ilex for 'Anna Twigg' in 'Having Both is a Blessing'
- Best Original Character (Original Fiction) - No Nominations
- Winner for Best Ship (Harry Potter) - Georgia Weasley for 'Draco/Asteria' in 'Enough'
- Best Ship (Other Fan Dom) - No Nominations
- Best Unusual Pairing (Other Fan Dom) - No Nominations
- Best Unusual Pairing (Harry Potter) - No Nominations
- Vote for Member's Choice (Author) - Harry Potter - Nominees: Georgia Weasley and datbenik513
- Winner for Member's Choice (Story) - Harry Potter - Bella Portia for 'Wizard's Sabbath Prologue'
- Member's Choice (Graphic Artist) - No Nominations
- Member's Choice (Beta) - No Nominations
- Member's Choice (Author) - Other Fan Dom: No Nominations
- Member's Choice (Story) - Other Fan Dom: No Nominations