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Name: Eyriana (Signed) · Date: 10/09/2008 06:22 am · Chapter: Family Reunion
Aww, the end came too soon! Now, as I always like to do at the end of chaptered fics, I shall try to write a monster(ish) review. ^_^

The whole story is such a beautiful piece. Again, it's something I wouldn't have thought of in a million years. Those monkeys trying to write Shakespeare wouldn't have either :P It's such a clever, original idea! And I still don't believe that it was your first fanfiction story. It's way too good for that. And while I see improvements in your writing now as opposed to this, you were off to so much better a start then I was when I discovered fanfiction. It's written so well, the characterizations and everything... I've never loved reading Dudley (or Petunia, for that matter) before, but you make it so fun to read. Rarely have I enjoyed reading a story this much. It's rather moving as well. As a whole, I really (REALLY) love this story; I'm so glad I found it! :D Wonderful, wonderful job!


Author's Response: Thank you so much!  Really I can't tell you how much it means to me.  Thanks so much for reading it! :o)

Name: Eyriana (Signed) · Date: 10/09/2008 06:05 am · Chapter: Dudley Confesses
This is wonderful! I think you had both Rebecca and Maggie take the news very realistically. No shock!horror on the mother's part, which always seems a bit overdramatic to me. She's a very real character... I like the whole family! :D Wonderful job! I can't WAIT to see what happens at the reunion :D *reads on*


Author's Response: Oh, thank you.   Some people have thought that I didn't have Maggie's reaction too terribly accurate... they think she would have handled it worse.  I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

Name: Eyriana (Signed) · Date: 10/09/2008 05:52 am · Chapter: Magical Surprises
It doesn't seem clichéd at all! Maybe it's because I seldom read Dudley stories, but I think it's a great twist! Oh, how interesting this story is! I really like the characterization you've given Dudley... I've always wanted to like him, since that moment in DH... so this is the perfect excuse! I'm running to the next chapter now (metaphorically, not physically :P) - I really love this, Taryn :D


Author's Response: I know that JKR has said that no magic could withstand Vernon's DNA, but this idea intrigued me enough that I went with it anyway.  That's where the creative license comes in ;o).  I'm so glad you're enjoying it!  YAY.

Name: Eyriana (Signed) · Date: 10/09/2008 05:36 am · Chapter: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
It's great, Taryn! I like this more and more - I have to say again what a great idea it is, to bring Dudley back post-war and see what happens. I like the way it's playing out - wonder what'll happen next ;) I really like it! *goes on to next chapter*


Author's Response: That one small scene in DH where Dudley said that he didn't think Harry was worthless was nagging me and I felt like I wanted to see what would happen if they go together again.  :o)

Name: Eyriana (Signed) · Date: 10/09/2008 05:15 am · Chapter: A Chance Encounter
Wow, Taryn!!! I'd have NEVER thought, in a hundred years, of an idea like this. I like it already! And I can't believe this is your FIRST fanfiction story. It's so good! My first FF was total crap... anyway. :P I'm reading on immediately, I can't wait to see what happens! As always, I see your motherli-ness in this :P *makes little sense* Great job!


Author's Response:

I must admit to chaneling my own trips to the grocery store with my children into this story, lol.  I avoid going with them like the plague, lol.  And yes, this is the first creative thing I wrote in at least 15 years.  I'm sure your first story wasn't crap, but the difference would be simply life experiences ;o).


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 02/09/2008 05:40 am · Chapter: Family Reunion

WEll, that tears it! YOU MADE ME CRY!  I was blubbering like a fool when Lily called Petunia 'Tuney'. I just know my husband thinks I've lost my mind!  "NOW what are you reading?"  "Never you mind . . just a very sweet story. Go back to your cahir and channel surf!"  MEN!

Anyway, I really did enjoy this short story and will put it on my recommends list. (right after I buy stock in a tissue company!)



Author's Response: Awww...thank you so much.  *hands over tissue*  Men don't get the sappiness, do they?  I'm so glad you enjoyed my story.  It was the first one I ever wrote, so I'm rather proud of it, even if it's not my best one.  Thanks for all the lovely reviews!  :o)

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 02/09/2008 05:26 am · Chapter: Dudley Confesses

Ok, that went really well, and yes, I can bet Becca had the same sense of relief that Harry did when Hagrid told him he was a wizard.

I'm sure it'll all work out. This has all the earmarks of a story with a happy ending!



Author's Response: None of want to be "different" but from experience I know that it's better to have a legitimate reason for being different.  And it's always good to know that you're not some freak and there are others out there who are just like you.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 02/09/2008 05:15 am · Chapter: Magical Surprises

OH, goodie, goodie, goodie, we get to see Vernon have a stroke! HE!HE!HE!HE!HE!HE!

Yeah, it was bound to happen, and at least Dudley is sort of okay with it, just genuinely concerned for his daughter.

Bravo Dudley!

Okay, now it's time for the 'reunion' THIS is gonna be good!


Author's Response: I think Dudley probably became a bit fascinated with the whole idea of magic while being protected by Hestia and Dedalus.  And fortunately he started to see his father for what he really is and is more accepting.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 02/09/2008 05:07 am · Chapter: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Okay, that went about as well as could be expected.

Now, if we can just get Dudley off of his guilt trip this could turn into a nice little family reunion . . . well, maybe not a reunion, but at least catch up on each others lives.

Think I'll go eavesdrop on the dinner conversation. . . be right back.


Author's Response: I do think I made Dudley a tad too guilty, lol.  I was probably projecting more of myself in there than I should have, but I still think he would have felt badly.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 02/09/2008 04:55 am · Chapter: A Chance Encounter

Ah, Dudley.

Well, I liked the bit in Dh where Dud and Harry kinda came around to each other as they ( the dursleys) departed to go into hiding.

I often wondered if they'd ever meet, so I'm glad to find this story.

Now I'm off to the next chapter, as I can't WAIT to see the look on Harry's face!


Author's Response:

That scene in DH haunted me and was the reason for writing this.  This was my first fanfiction story, and it wouldn't leave me alone since I felt that JKR had set the stage for a reconcilliation in the last book.

Name: lilymugwump (Signed) · Date: 01/06/2008 04:12 am · Chapter: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
You have an amazing range to your story telling. Each story so different from the last. Dudley, I love that you thought to bring him and Harry together again... thanks for a fun read!

Author's Response: Oooh...my first official review from the mahvelous lilymugwump!  I'm so glad you deemed this worthy of review, Baby Sister!  Love ya!  mmmmmwwwwaaaahhh!  :o)

Name: Jen (Signed) · Date: 21/05/2008 07:40 am · Chapter: A Chance Encounter
I love this story, thankyou. Nice that Dudley turns out OK, despite his father.
The flowers for Aunt Tuney was a nice touch... brought tears to my eyes.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading!  I really appreciate it.  I teared up a bit at that part, too.  You never know how those characters will surprise you ;o).  Thanks for leaving the review.  :o)

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 18/05/2008 07:24 am · Chapter: Family Reunion
I love it sooooooo much! I love all of Aunt Petunia's introspection and thoughts of guilt and conflicted feelings. It's so sweet the way she wanted to make sure Lauren was okay because of her own experiences.. Also, I just love the way everything gets resolved in a completely realistic, healthy way. The Dursleys were awful, but people can and do change ... and healing is possible. This story is so amazing!

Author's Response: I think a lot of the way Petunia treated Harry had to do with guilt about her feelings of jealousy of Lily.  To constantly be reminded of her insecurities by looking at her sister's eyes in her nephew, that had to be difficult.  Sometimes guilt can cause us to better ourselves, and other times it causes us to push away to deny those feelings.  I'm glad you thought the resolution was realistic.  Some might find it too easy, but as the title states...Time can do wonderful things for healing.  Thanks for all the great reviews!  :o)

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 18/05/2008 07:18 am · Chapter: Dudley Confesses
I really enjoyed this chapter as well. I hardly ever read so many chapters in one story in a row! Anyway, I like the way you had Dudley tell his family about magic and Hogwarts. You went over all the facts, and they all seemed vital and important and not just summarization of what the reader should already know. Wonderful! I'm glad his wife was supportive and that Rebecca felt better about herself knowing there would be a place she can belong.

Author's Response: I'm flattered that you read this straight through :o).  This chapter got long, and I think it was in part to explaining the magical world to Maggie and Rebecca.  I'm glad you didn't find it tedious.  Thanks for the thoughts! :o)

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 18/05/2008 07:12 am · Chapter: Magical Surprises
I don't think it's cliche! I seriously think all the fans that have that in mind are right, and if they're not .. well.. I don't care! I love that Dudley came out and admitted it to Harry right away, and Harry dealt with it so admirably. Again, I love the openness between them. You really express the emotions and the situation so well.

Author's Response: I imagine, that Dudley has been thinking about his daughter's magical abilities for years, and finding Harry again was just the thing he needed, so he wouldn't have wanted to put it off anymore.  And I don't see Harry as being terribly vindictive.  I think he saw some of the softer side of Dudley in DH and I'm sure that has stuck with him through the years as well.  Thanks for the kind words.  :o)

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 18/05/2008 07:07 am · Chapter: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
This is really moving to me. I love the way they are discussing the past and seem to be quite open with each other. I really do get the sense that Dudley is a much better person now, but he's still in character the way I would think he would be after all that happened. It makes me feel so good to see him treating Harry so nicely and owning up to his actions... And he was thinking about his oldest daughter? Is she a witch? I never could get it out of my mind that Dudley either marries a witch or has a kid that is magical... Ooooh... I'm getting excited!!!! :)

Author's Response: Yay!  You picked up on the foreshadowing (not that it was too subtle, lol), but you're the first to actually point it out in a review.  I think JKR set the stage for a reconciliation in DH.  That chapter when the Dursleys left was one of my favorites.  Thanks again!  :o)

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 18/05/2008 07:01 am · Chapter: A Chance Encounter
I really like the way you show the frustration of a mom shopping with her kids. You through a little bit of everything in there... And little Albus taking pity on the lobsters in the tank. It's just so cute! I'm really interested to see where this goes... I have been really interested about what happened to Dudley, as well.

Author's Response: Ahhh...shopping with children in tow...it's quite the experience, lol.  And we have to stop at the lobster tank every time.  I'm so glad you taken the time to read this.  It was my first story, and I'm still quite proud of it.  Thanks for reading.  :o)

Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) · Date: 16/05/2008 06:43 pm · Chapter: A Chance Encounter
You know, Taryn, I had forgotten how much I liked this story. I really enjoyed reading it again. What struck me this time was some of the finer details that embelish the story so nicely. And I also liked the parallel of Rebecca being a witch and Lauren not, just like Lily and Petunia. And I like your portrayl of Dudley. He's become a fine man, and a good father.

I really enjoy the overall warm feel of your stories. You're quite good at this. Keep it up! :)


Author's Response: Thanks, Doug!  I'm a softie at heart, you know, so my stories almost have to have a happy ending.  I was rereading this one myself as I was posting it up on here, and you know...it's really not bad for my first bit of writing in probably 15 years.  I think I've improved with each story, but I'm still proud of this one.  Thanks for reviewing...again ;o)!

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