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Other Results: 4 Series

What Goes Around...Comes Around... by Holly Ilex

Rating: MA18+ [Reviews - 0]
Summary: The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher...Neville's free spirited Godmother...The love of Severus Snape's life...All the same woman?...

The arrival of Anastasia Twigg-Jones at Hogwarts sets into motion a year of intrigue, revenge, laughter, secrets, love and murder that reaches into the past and impacts everyone's future.
Let's 'hang around' and watch the sparks and spells fly, shall we?
Recommended by: Jessi
Recommendation: If you're looking for a nice, well-rounded OC, Snape romance and a witty good time, this story is perfect for you! It's sensible, smart, and snarky!
Category: Hogwarts, Harry Potter, Action/Adventure, AU
Character/s: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, AU, General, Humour
Ships: Bill/Fleur, Draco/Pansy, Fred/Angelina, George/Katie, Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ron, James/Lily, Molly/Arthur, Narcissa/Lucius, Neville/Luna, Other Pairing, Remus/Tonks, Severus/OC
Warnings: Mild Adult Romance, Mild Teen Language, Sensitive Subject, Strong Adult Violence
Completed: No
Added: 23/08/2008 [Report This]