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The Writing on the Wall by MargaretLane

Rated: R15+ • 16 Reviews starstarstarhalf-star

When Albus Potter and Rose Weasley start their first year at Hogwarts. they're targetted by what seem like malicious practical jokes, which invoke the name of the Dark Lord. Even after so many years, who would joke about a man who caused so many deaths. The wizarding world may again have to face up to the issues which still exist and may again prove divisive.

Thanks to MrsJaydeMalfoy for her help with the summary.

You're a Star by war and peace

Rated: R12+ • 0 Reviews


There were only three things in this world that made Lily want to pull out her hair: her brother James, cold showers in the morning, and people who tapped their quills. Quickly though, she was realising there might be a fourth. 


For doratonks14's Out of Your Comfort Zone challenge at HPFF. Summary by doratonks14.