Ginny Weasley/Potter
Rated: R15+ •
0 Reviews
Summary: Harry and Ginny travel to Portugal for sea, sand, sun, and something else.
Can Harry avoid being torn apart by Harpies?
Categories: Harry Potter,
One Shot,
Post Hogwarts,
Characters: Ginny Weasley/Potter,
Harry Potter
Genres: Drama,
RomanceShips: Harry/GinnyWarnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 7291 |
Hits: 25 |
Published: 16/11/2014 |
Updated: 16/11/2014
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Rated: MA18+ •
5 Reviews
banner by PINKhairedLOVER from TDA
A wounded land cries out for a king. When the time is right, the Red Dragon Shall Rise Again.
Written for Alopex's Four Seasons challenge at eHPF.
Categories: Harry Potter,
Characters: Draco Malfoy,
Ginny Weasley/Potter,
Godric Gryffindor,
Helga Hufflepuff,
Lucius Malfoy,
Luna Lovegood/Scamander,
Rowena Ravenclaw,
Salazar Slytherin
Genres: Angst,
DramaShips: None
Warnings: Alcohol Use/Abuse,
Drug Use/Abuse,
Sensitive Subject,
Sexual Content,
Strong Adult Language,
Strong Adult Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 2 |
Completed: No |
Words: 3939 |
Hits: 17 |
Published: 15/03/2010 |
Updated: 21/06/2010
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Rated: R12+ •
2 Reviews
Summary: As the Minister attempts to persuade Harry to join his cause, Percy is left to face some very angry Weasleys. Amazingly, he managed to leave the Burrow only dripping in mashed parsnip that Christmas Day. If left to his siblings, who knows what could have happened? HPFF Staff Challenge 1-HBP Missing Moments challenge entry.
Categories: Drama,
Characters: Arthur Weasley,
Fred Weasley,
George Weasley,
Ginny Weasley/Potter,
Molly Weasley,
Percy Weasley
Genres: Drama,
HumourShips: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1551 |
Hits: 84 |
Published: 28/07/2009 |
Updated: 28/07/2009
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