Sirius Black
Rated: R12+ •
1 Reviews
Summary: Winning the battle does not mean you have won the war - but at twelve, is there really a difference? Severus Snape bested Sirius Black once, in their Second Year. Lily Evans is of the opinion that if he had just listened to her, it wouldn't have happened. And James Potter still stands by the fact that cleaning toilets isn't the worst detention he's had.
Categories: Drama,
Harry Potter,
Marauder Era,
One Shot
Characters: James Potter,
Lily Evans/Potter,
Severus Snape,
Sirius Black
Genres: Drama,
GeneralShips: None
Warnings: Mild Teen Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 2016 |
Hits: 24 |
Published: 05/01/2010 |
Updated: 05/01/2010
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