Ships: Harry/Pansy
Rated: MA18+ •
1 Reviews
Summary: I kept ten of those photographs. As I glanced at each one, a stab of hurt or fear pierced my heart. Hunted. The word echoed in my head and I knew it was true. We were being hunted.
Rated: R15+ •
1 Reviews
Summary: Dumbledore announced the Masquerade Ball in October. My first thought was that it would be the night to find whether my sudden attraction to Harry Potter was just lust or something possibly deeper. But I was Pansy-friggin-Parkinson, for crying out loud, I had a reputation to uphold! I could not be in love with Harry Potter.
Categories: Harry Potter,
Characters: Harry Potter,
Pansy Parkinson
Genres: AU,
RomanceShips: Harry/PansyWarnings: Fluff
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 1027 |
Hits: 23 |
Published: 30/09/2012 |
Updated: 16/10/2012
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Rated: MA18+ •
1 Reviews
Totally exquisite banner by Violet on SAYS!!! *huggles*
How far will he go to save the world, and at what cost? Harry's life has never been as complicated, untill now.
Categories: Harry Potter,
Characters: None
Genres: Angst,
RomanceShips: Harry/Ginny,
Harry/PansyWarnings: Alcohol Use/Abuse,
Sensitive Subject,
Strong Adult Language,
Strong Adult Romance,
Strong Adult Violence,
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 2786 |
Hits: 26 |
Published: 06/01/2009 |
Updated: 06/01/2009
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