The poll is closed and we have a winner. SiriuslyPeeved wrote a wonderful story called Portraits and is the winning entry. Holly gave in a fabulous story too, so thank you to both :)
Thanks so much, it was an honor to go up against you Holly. :D I will definitely be reviewing your story soon, I thought it was wonderful.
Hi, SP! Thanks for the nice comments.
Also, when Elena puts our stories on our lists, I've got another banner to add . . .it's such fun doing those! ( I have to get out more . . )
You can add your story to your own account at any time :)
I am thrilled! SERIOUSLY, 'cause I actually got one vote! And it wasn't me, either!
Now I did have to review my own story, but I'm compulsive about that, so what the heck! Congratualtions to SP for the win! and that WAS a great story! (Mine was rubbish compared to his!)