Hold on to ya hats, people, cause its that time again.
The Sign Up Thread on Temperance, for the May Review-A-Thon, is now open.
The Review-A-Thon will start on May 1st at Midnight (Australian Eastern Standard Time) and run for 4 weeks, ending May 29 at 11:59pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) - Check the little clocks on the main page of Gluttony and Temperance.
For the official rules, see the Sign Up Thread now. remember, to participate, you must be a member at both Gluttony and Temperance :)
Staff Needed:
Volunteer Basis Only, no money is paid.
Moderators - Positions 1
Moderators are open for all ages. The job requires that you moderate the forums (which are dead anyway ;) ) and Gluttony. Basically you need to randomly select stories and do a quick scan that banners are the correct size and that content is appropriate.
You can dedicate as much time or as little time as you like, again, Gluttony is small and fairly easy to manage, however, extra hands is always great to have ;)
If you think you are interested then please email me at: admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com