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The P. I. Awards - Final Winners List

by Elena @ 11/11/2009 05:53 am  
The Final Winners List. Congratulations everyone, especially Bella Portia, who seems to be the members hot pick. This is simply a testament to Bella's dedication to Gluttony, her writing and her talent for telling a story that sticks in our mind. Thank you smile.gif

Thank you also to everyone who participated in nominating and voting. Without you all, there would be no P. I. Awards.

Winners can pick up their award in the thread. All links rated 12+

The Best Of's:

Winner for Best Reviewer - Bella_Portia & Holly_Ilex

Winner for Best Writers Forum - eHPF

Winner for Best Collaboration - eHPF for Defining Moments

Winner for Best 'Fan Girl' Reviewer - Holly Ilex

Winner for Best Twilight Fan Fic - Romina Stephanie for How a Resurrection Really feels

The Era's:

Winner for Best Hogwarts Era - reallyginny for Never Alone

Winner for Post-Hogwarts Era - Georgia Weasley for In a Family Way.

Winner for Next Generation Era - JLHufflepuff for Visions of Greatness

Winner for Best Pre-Hogwarts Era - SiriuslyPeeved for Unwritten.

Winner for Best Marauder Era - Aurora Dawn for Mischief Managed.

The Genres:

Winner for Best Drama - Apollyon for The Phoenix King

Winner for Best Romance - purpleheart for Hogwarts Revisited.

Winner for Best Angst -Bella_Portia for Wizard's Sabbath: Prologue.

Winner for Best Action/Adventure - Apollyon for The Phoenix King.

Winner for Best Canon - ginwannabe for Veterans of Hogwarts.

Winner for Best AU (Alternate Universe) - purpleheart for Hogwarts Revisited and datbenik513 for Shadowlands.

Winner for Best Humour - Georgia Weasley for Full Marks and WeasleyTwinMom for Charlie the Dragon Hunter

Winner for Best Mystery/Suspense - BKL8088 for Dust

The Lengths:

Winner for Best Novel - Holly_Ilex for Having Both is a Blessing and wytchkitty13 for Jealousy Games and Deadly Consequences.

Winner for Best One-Shot - Georgia Weasley for Full Marks, reallyginny for Drifting, and BKL8008 for One of Our Own.

Winner for Best Short Story - bakaprincess for My Guardian Angel

Winner for Best Trilogy/Series - Pookha for Graverobbers and Bodies at Rest

Winner for Best Drabble - Elena for My Obsession

The Originals:

Winner of the Best Original Character (Fan Fiction) - Holly Ilex for Anastasia Twigg-Jones in Having Both is a Blessing

Best Original Character (Original Fiction) - No nominations
Best Original Story - No nominations

The Ships:

Winner for Best Ship - SiruslyPeeved for Severus/Lily in Unwritten.

Winner for Best Unusual Pairing - datbenik513 for Hermione/Harry/Luna in Shadowlands

The Shrieking Shack Members Choice Awards:

Winner for Member's Choice (Story) - Bella_Portia for Wizard's Sabbath: Prologue.

Winner for Member's Choice (Author) - Bella_Portia

Winner for Member's Choice (Beta) - Bella_Portia

Winner for the Member's Choice (Graphic Artist) - Marauder By Night and Violet
Holly Ilex wrote on 11/11/2009 07:15 am

CONGRATS to all of my fellow winners and a word to everyone visiting this site; please check out all of the winning ( and nominated stories )  . . oh, who am I kidding, ALL the stories on this site are worth a read! ENJOY!

SiriuslyPeeved wrote on 11/11/2009 08:22 pm

Congratulations to all the winners and those nominated! I feel honored to be included :) I hope that everyone finds some new favorite stories!

BKL8008 wrote on 13/11/2009 04:23 am

I'm so sorry I missed this. I just haven't had time to be online much lately. For what it's worth now, Bella, you go! I love your stuff!