As the year draws near to ending, a new, fresh year is on the horizon. I am now exploring the idea of opening up Gluttony to more Fan Doms.
This can ONLY work if there is enough interest or demand for it and if the members are willing to contribute to those fan doms.
Many of us older fans are moving on, meaning, we are moving away from our beloved Fan Fic and heading into the Original Fiction world. However, that doesn't mean the end of Fan Fiction, it just means I am willing to give you members a bit more freedom as to what will be accepted here.
I will also need new staff members to overlook these fan doms. This means new Admins, Validators and moderators. These are positions that are voluntary, meaning, it is unpaid work, done in your own time.
I do not ask much of my staff and we work fairly well together and independantly. I do not demand any specific time to dedicate, as I find that is unrealistic to our real life selves.
I also have a NEW project in the works. Luxuria is a text based RPG (Role Playing Game). This will be based on multi-fan doms as well as just 'the real world'.
Please think about this information as I will soon be asking for suggestions and calling for more staff members. It is advised that you join the Forums. Temperance is rather dead, however, it is the BEST place for members to discuss the archives and the stories on it. It is also the place I ask members to place votes etc. You do not have to be a regular member there, just check in every now and then to find out what's going on and drop in your opinion if you wish to.
I second Holly's opinion. I think the books have a very high fanfic potential. Not mentioning the fact that i would simply LOVE to show off with my Sookie Stackhouse NaNovel at my favourite site :D:D:D
Besides, should my humble person be considered an appropriate cantidate, I'd even volunteer for a staff position in the new fandoms :D
It is under consideration. I have had someone else approach me about this fan dom also. :)
If you open up a "Sookie Stackhouse" fandom, I'm IN! NOT "True Blood", as that TV show really goes past what you have put down as Guidelines here on Gluttony . BUT, the original books really just hint at the bedroom goings on and/or don't get too graphic, ( with the fights and murders, etc.) so if the writers of any stories ( read ME!!! ) kept to the tone of the original books, we could have a REALLY good time. Have you had a chance to read the books? They are not only exciting but hilariously funny . . . especially if you know ( and I do ) characters just like Sookie describes as the inhabitants of Bon Tomps, LA.
Please consider "Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire" stories as one of your new fandoms . . . and we could also use the Temperance for some fierce debates about how the books and TV show are alike and/or differ . . like where is ( and/or why didn't they use ) 'Bubba"?