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Review-A-Thon and Happy Birthday, Gluttony!

by Elena @ 13/02/2010 11:54 pm  

Edit: BKL8008 is the winner of the Jan/Feb Review-A-Thon, with a total of 59 reviews.

In second place, we have Holly Ilex with 26 reviews, and in third place, SiriuslyPeeved with 5 reviews.

It was wonderful to see members participating, even if it was just 1 review, as I know life is busy.

Thank you, and CONGRATULATIONS BKL8008!!!!


The review-a-thon is now closed. Official results will be posted shortly.

Today marks Gluttony's 3rd Birthday :) Thank you all so much for being here, and making Gluttony what it is.

Happy Birthday!!!


Edit 2: Another reason to celebrate. For a long time now, Holly Ilex has been a fantastic and valuable member here at Gluttony. At some point, EVERYONE, will get to know this lovely lady, because she reviews almost everything here. Holly Ilex has a remarkable 700 reviews!! I feat that not even I can match. So a HUGE thank you must go out to Holly, I don't know how Gluttony would be without her! HEHEHE! ;)

datbenik513 wrote on 14/02/2010 12:06 am

Happy Birthday Gluttony!
And thanks Elena for giving us this awesome community!

Holly Ilex wrote on 14/02/2010 03:50 am

CONGRATS BKL8008!!! Well done!
And Elena . . .honey hush! You've made this old broad blush!
I've had a ball reading and reviewing here on Gluttony and I'm adding my best wishes on the 3rd B'day of this wonderful site!
I also intend to read and review EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER AND/OR ONE SHOT that's been or will be posted
BEFORE the next B'day in '11! And it'll take me that long to double check and see which ones I've missed . . PLUS keeping up with all of the new additions AND getting back to posting MY stories. . . it's gonna be a busy year!!!! And you just know I'll find masses of plot bunnies hiding in all of those stories, so . . .YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!

BKL8008 wrote on 14/02/2010 03:58 am

I always look forward to Holly's reviews! I know I can count on 1 per chapter for her. Sometimes, she's been the only one and kept me going when I wanted to quit. She's awesome!

SiriuslyPeeved wrote on 15/02/2010 04:54 pm

Congratulations BKL! :) I'm sorry I flamed out in the review a thon, I still plan to complete all requested reviews at the usual snail's pace you all have come to expect from me ;)

Wow Holly! You're awesome! I always look forward to your fun and insightful comments, and I definitely think you deserve recognition :)

datbenik513 wrote on 16/02/2010 10:13 am

Congratulations to BKL! Good to see you're back! This site has been missing your talent.

Holly, m'dear, you have been my lighting tower on the rough see of fanfic writing for quite some time. Thanks a million!

Holly Ilex wrote on 16/02/2010 09:28 pm

That's lighthouse and sea, my darling Zolton . . HE!HE!HE!

Thank you, everyone, for those sweet little atta-girls! Does this old broad's heart good!

Well, it's buckety-bucketty back to work for little Ilex!