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Vote in the PI Awards and some Winners Announced

by Elena @ 22/09/2010 01:26 pm  

I'm sorry this has taken so long, but here is the list of Voting threads and Winners by default. Please click on links to collect awards, all titled links rated 12+.

Thank you to all who participated in nominations and congratulations to all who have won so far :) You are all truly deserving.

The Best Of's

The Hogwarts Era's

The Genres

The Lengths

The Originals

The Ships

  • Winner for Best Ship (Harry Potter) - Georgia Weasley for 'Draco/Asteria' in 'Enough'
  • Best Ship (Other Fan Dom) - No Nominations
  • Best Unusual Pairing (Other Fan Dom) - No Nominations
  • Best Unusual Pairing (Harry Potter) - No Nominations

The Shrieking Shack Members Choice Awards

Disclaimer: Awards made by Elena using graphics from outlawbydesign.com (M)

pookha wrote on 22/09/2010 06:57 pm

I'm getting server not found errors when I try to vote.

Elena wrote on 23/09/2010 03:17 am

I'm fixing some code, so bear with me :)

datbenik513 wrote on 23/09/2010 02:11 pm

Vote for Next Generation Era - Nominees: datbenik513 for 'Harry Potter and the New Marauders' and SiriuslyPeeved for 'In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb'

Actually, it's BKL8008's story, not mine.

Elena wrote on 24/09/2010 04:31 am

Thank you for pointing that out :) I have corrected it.