Welcome to our new members and thank you to Zenzao for sharing your story with us :) Gluttony has slowed down lately, but I'm trying to get interest back to this site. It's just me who runs Gluttony and its been hard to compete with bigger sites. Hopefully I can poke some of the older members to pop back in to read and review.
I've been thinking about trying to find some time to continue with some storylines I had, especially after being 'asked' to leave that 'other site'. I hope to do so, if I can get the hang of posting again. Tried the forum; it still hates me...
I'll reset you on the forum, BKL8008 :)
BKL8008, I sent an email to your gmail account. Reply back and I'll send you the password to your forum account.
Thank you very much for the warm welcome :D I hope to contribute at least a couple of stories to the Dresden Files category in short order - it's looking a little sparse at the moment.