I had to roll the database back to the 6th of July. If any information was lost in the rollback, I do apologise.
EDIT 19/07/2014: All story files are safe, but the skins are not reflecting the story updates. Anything submitted to the archive between 06 July 2014 - 12 July 2014 (6 days) will need to be re-submitted.
EDIT 20/07/2014: Because I'm an idiot and didn't back-up the database before going through and deleting old, inactive accounts with no stories, I had to roll back to the database last backed up on the 17th of July 2014. I'm going to put myself to bed now and leave the database alone for tonight before I break my site completely :( I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.
I'm really sorry. I had to rollback due to spammers and possible corrupted coding in my database. The 6th was my last known backup that was free from the spammers. I try and keep a regular back-up in case these things happen - Though your stories should be ok. They are saved as files, not in the database. I'll check the story files in case its still there. It usually affects read counts/reviews. - I just emailed you the story files I have for you.
Just pasting in the comments that would have deleted from the database rollback:
any idea how many are going to be removed?
- granpa harry on July 19, 2014 2:21 am
No stories are being removed?? The Database rollback only affected what was updated between 6th of July 2014 - 12th of July 2014 (6 days). The Story files are still there, but the Skins aren't showing them, which means whatever was updated to the archive during those 6 days needs to be re-submitted.
- Elena on July 19, 2014 6:00 pm
Aha. I was wondering why I was missing a story and had fallen back to 1 hit a piece when I'd had 17/6/1 respectively