Review-A-Thon Competition
by Elena @ 12/06/2008 09:05 am
There is just over
29hrs left in this competition. I will lock threads from 11:59pm June 13, 2008, Standard Eastern Australian Time.
Once I lock the threads, you
WILL NOT be able to add any reviews, you can't PM me any links to add or ask to have certain ones added in.
I will then hide the threads for official counting. Although I have been counting along as the days have passed, I need to allow room for human error, counting more reviews than what is really there etc.
Once this official count is done, I will announce the winner.
Thank you to ALL of you who have participated in this competition. I certainly hope that more stories continue to be posted so we may continue this wonderful reviewing up and hopefully be able to do this competition again with some new, exciting stories :)