I have updated the Featured Stories for September. Congratulations to all of those who made it in this month.
New Affiliate: Fortuna's Archive is a new story archive that not only caters for Fan Fiction, but is dedicated to Original Fiction and helping you to become published. It's a hard world out there, especially if you are wanting to become the next 'Best Seller'. So I think it's important to have places like Fortuna, not just to show case your work, but to have support in the highs and lows of trying to get published.
New Category: I have added in a NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) Category. NaNo takes place in the month of November every year and more and more writers are participating in this crazy event. This new category is to showcase your completed and incompleted NaNo works and I have two sub categories. They are Original Fiction and Fan Fiction.