I won't be around much in the next couple of weeks. As it gets closer to having baby no.3, I'm finding myself winding down, relaxing and just focusing on the family a bit.
Once bubs is born and I'm back at home, there is no doubt that I'll be back on here ready to keep things going. While I'm away though, if I'm needed ASAP, email me at admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com
Otherwise, there are the other Validators and Moderators around to have answer your questions :) Don't be afraid to email one of them or pop onto the forums to post your questions there. They'll get to you as soon as they can :)
Yep... we'll man the fort! You take it easy and enjoy the new little one.
~ Taryn
We are here to catch the slack, Elena! Anyone that needs help is more than welcome to let me know and I'll do my best to help out. Take that much needed rest, because the move from 2 to 3 kiddos is the biggest. Use all the extra help you can get! If you can do three, you can do anything! Prepare to become SuperMOM! :) Take care.