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Reviews For Sparkles

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 17/01/2010 08:31 am · Chapter: Mizu
Drabbles are a difficult genre to write. Capturing a story within 300-800 words is like trying to put an octopus in a drawstring bag, but you manage to get the entire image within those parameters. Unfortunately, most good drabbles are a tease, and leave the readers thirsty for the rest of the story. This is no exception. My mind is left screaming, "Why is Hogsmeade on fire? What happened to Hermione? OMG, I need to know!" Well done. That's the mark of a good writer.~GW

Author's Response: I totally agree with you: drabbles can sometimes be a pain in the butt to write. The space is limited and the writer sometimes struggles trying to fit into the word count. Now, this one was written for a SAYS challenge; the prompt was 'water'. The next day I felt the picture was incomplete, and so was 'Elements' born. It contains the answers for all your questions. Friendly advice: have some Kleenex ready! Once again, I thank you humbly for your warm words.

Name: ButterflyRogue (Signed) · Date: 29/10/2009 07:46 pm · Chapter: I Hate Her
I liked the angsty, resentful atmosphere in this story. If it's Ginny we're talking about (I just figured this is her point of view, though it could be anyone who ever had feelings for Harry), she is Hermione's friend, yet she can't help hating her because she is jealous of her relationship with Harry (I'm not really into Harmony much, but I guess this can be understood as Harry/Hermione friendship as well).
This was very good, I enjoyed it! :)


Author's Response:

Yes, it's Ginny's POV, you guessed it correctly. The setting is, as I imagined it, maybe year 4 or 5, when Harry doesn't yet look at Ginny with THOSE eyes. It's the time of her, still somewhat childish, infatuation with Harry.

It's also the time of Harry's casual, but really close, tight friendship with Hermione, which at times was so intense, that Jo needed to deny any accusations on making the two a pair :D

I don't deny that the more I think to it, the more I feel a Harry/Hermione pairing MIGHT have been feasible, although I'm completely happy with how Jo had rounded up everything. I do have some Harmony among my writing though.

Thanks for this wonderful review!!! You really made my week!

Name: ButterflyRogue (Signed) · Date: 29/10/2009 07:31 pm · Chapter: He did love me, after all
Oh, I liked this a lot! It most certainly isn't lame!
I liked the way you described the fight from Bellatrix' point of view. Most people make her completely deranged and crazy and often go too far with that kind of description. This insight to her thoughts was very well written and quite believable. I liked how in the end, she managed to find the strength to die peacefully as she found comfort in the one thing the Death Eaters always denied - love.
And that characterization of Molly was spot-on! The whole scene held such dynamics, I could really visualize it! Great job! :)


Author's Response:

Well, Bellatrix WAS completely deranged and crazy, but you're right, it would have been a bad cliche to depict her as such.

She, however, loved her Master, although this love was completely unrequited. When, however, everything ends for both of them, they did find solace in each other's presence.

I do hope that the movie version of this scene will turn out better, than my imagery. This WILL have to rock, otherwise the ending of the movie will suck prime time.

Thank you for your encouraging words and the fantastic review!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 22/09/2009 04:24 am · Chapter: I Hate Her

Poor Ginny and her un requited love . . but Harry comes around . . . eventually.

Angst . . . don't 'ya just love it?


Author's Response: We lovesss angst. We jussst don't lovesss Ginny Weasssley that much :D Let her sssuffer a bit before she getsss her handsss at Harry :D

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 16/09/2009 01:47 pm · Chapter: He did love me, after all

Wow, that was a really good, thoughtful one-shot.   The fact that Bella can actually string three coherant thoughts together in her mind was a surprise, but maybe she was just sane enough to process her situation and act accordingly. . . or maybe not.  This is Bella after all and to think she's going to win is laughable.  BUT, her accessment of Molly was spot on; lioness defending her cubs is right! 

one boo-boo: missing here with an inch only.   I think you meant missing HER, but otherwise, VERY NICE!

And I read and reviewed this BEFORE my morning coffee!


Author's Response:

Actually, the whole story was about something else. Bella's decades-long, unrequited love, unanswered feelings didn't come into the picture until the last paragraph. In such situations, people TEND to think, to find a way how to save their butts and get out alive.

Don't underestimate Bella; even being a cruel and reckless murderer she was a bright student and a good leader, so on some occasions even she HAD to be able to think coherently.

I liked that line about Molly myself.

Thanksies for your kind words, I was afraid that it would all sound too forced or lame.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 24/06/2009 10:20 pm · Chapter: Numbers

Honey, when she walks out on you and doesn't look back, she ain't NEVER coming back.  Put on your big boy pants and deal with that fact and move on.

Two hundred and seventeen days wasted.

Author's Response:

Actually, that's what I've done 22 years ago :) I was an idealistic teenager then :) The next day I met my wife.


That's my boy!

Author's Response: umph...yes...I had to. Still, the finality of all of it just overwhelms you, doesn't it? Saying goodbye to a beloved one is just too painful.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 23/06/2009 02:29 am · Chapter: Mizu
LIke I said in the other review . . . excellent, even standing alone.

Author's Response:

Like I said in my answer to the other review, this was an anwer to a drabble challenge @ SAYS, the prompt was "Water". Next day I woke with an urge to make something bigger of it, and so "Elements" was born.

Mizu marks an important changein Ron. After Hermione's deat, there's nothing for him left to live for. Except revenge.

Million thanks for your kind words.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 23/06/2009 02:27 am · Chapter: Elements

Sweet Mary, Mother of Pearl.

How in the Bloody Hell did you manage to pack all of that into one short story?????????????

I'm stunned. . . bloody hell . . . .


Author's Response:

Hearing so much kudos in such a short review...how did you manage to pack all of that in??? LOL

This one is a very important - albeit short - drabble for me. Effectively my first real experiment with this style of writing, and a memorial stone to everlasting and non-diminishing love.I was trying while writing the last part. Really.

Mizu, an answer to a drabble prompt at SAYS, came a day earlier and then I decided to expandi it into something, which then became "Elements", this story. I'm immensely glad you liked it. That's why I'm writing.

Thanks for your amazing review. Now I can "Ennervate" you :-D

Name: SiriuslyPeeved (Signed) · Date: 15/06/2009 02:03 pm · Chapter: Elements
I really enjoyed how you wove the theme of the piece in, using each element in turn. It's almost poetic in its layout. Character-wise, I can see Ron going toward that territory if he were to survive Hermione's murder.

Formatting notes, if I may: the spelling of "fiendfyre", and that if you use text from another language, to italicize it for clarity. Thanks for your request!

Author's Response:

Of course, you may, dear Peevsie, CC is always more than welcome. I have adopted the changes you'd suggested.

This small story is very dear to me. Never tried this type of storywriting before and I'm glad my efforts had paid off.

Thank you for your kind review and the CC.

Enjoy your guests!


Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 11/06/2009 04:01 am · Chapter: Mizu
For such a short piece, this packs a lot into 164 words! It makes me want to see more, and 'explore' more of Ron in this characterization.

Author's Response:

Thanks for your kind review. Drabbles can be very powerful indeed and a prequel/sequel might not be that far away.

Have a good day,


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