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Reviews For Shades of Violet

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 21/05/2008 07:16 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
Aw.. that was such a sad story. I thought it was going to be about Lily, but it's nice to read a Snape story where there's another girl he likes. his character is so tragic though, he never seems to exactly find happiness. I'm sure looking at Pansy would sadden him. Poor guy, but great story!

Author's Response:

This story was actually written as part of the prefects gifts to the staff on HPFF for Violet. Jax and I read her prompt and decided to give it a go.

Neither of us was comfortable writing Snape and we knew that we didnt want Lily to be his love. We wanted something fresh and different. Violet (the character) became a character that I personnally found intriguing and I thought she was a fun match for Snape. Thank you so much for your review!! 

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