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Name: SpringTime (Signed) · Date: 25/05/2009 12:50 am · Chapter: Owls, Letters and Roses
That owl scene had me laughing so hard. I loved it... I could totally picture her scrambling about in the shower, great stuff. I also really liked the roses and all the little notes on them, wish you could send that idea over to my husband.

Name: SpringTime (Signed) · Date: 25/05/2009 12:25 am · Chapter: Harry and Draco's Understanding
Yay, love Ginny and Harry together, and the wedding will prove to be very interesting I can already tell. I wonder what happened to Malfoy? I am eager to find out.

Name: SpringTime (Signed) · Date: 24/05/2009 11:58 pm · Chapter: Draco's Return
Yes, Draco, please show Hermione who you really are. Hermione is being quite stubborn, it's funny to see being as usually Ron or Harry are the stubborn ones.

Name: SpringTime (Signed) · Date: 24/05/2009 11:42 pm · Chapter: A Blast from the Past
I am surprised that she didn't recognize him right away, but like your description of him. I feel like the chpaters are going by so quickly, maybe you could add more detail in here and there when you do the re write.

Name: SpringTime (Signed) · Date: 24/05/2009 11:31 pm · Chapter: The Party
Way to suck down the champagne Hermione! Atta girl. :) I think, and I am not sure, but I think that you are hinting at something going on with Ron that Harry is needing to hug Hermione a little bit longer for... I could just be nuts though. I guess I will have to continue to read to find out.

Name: SpringTime (Signed) · Date: 24/05/2009 11:16 pm · Chapter: A Fresh Start
Well Luna has certainly become more rational, if not a bit chatty. :) I am glad that Hermione isn't just over Ron all of a sudden, I wonder if something is going to happen in which Ron has moved on and she reads about it in the Prophet? That is just a hunch, and completely unfounded. I guess I will have to read on to find out

Name: SpringTime (Signed) · Date: 24/05/2009 11:03 pm · Chapter: Growing up and Apart
Hey, I finally have some time to review a bit more and figured I would check this out. Now you know that I am a huge Ron fan, so that being said I think you did a good job of showing exactly how dense he can potentially be. I feel a bit bad for him, but can totally see the conversation going that way. I know you have started re working this story and I havent read the revised chapters, but I like what I have read so far on this version.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 07:50 am · Chapter: Surprises

WOw, that's some house . . . sorry MANOR. Sounds more like a palace to me, but as long as those two are happy.it's okay.

Wlel, I'm going to read you second version of this story and look forward to the sequel.



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 07:40 am · Chapter: Dealing With It

“Oh, great flying doxies, you two! Every time I turn around, I have to look at that,”

I love these lines of Ron's.

Hey, are you goning to fix him up with someone?

How about Luna?

And where's my Severus?

ONWARD, for the answers, I hope!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 07:33 am · Chapter: Prophecies Revealed

Even after reading all of that, all I can think of is Ron standing there grinning.

That's a lot to process, and then Hermione has morning sickness on top of everything else.

SO, when are Albus' daughter and Severus goning to show up?

Better keep going, huh?


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 07:19 am · Chapter: Unexpected Guests

Well, leave it to Albus Dumbledore to make the grand entrance.

Now, Draco has to get used to Remus, but that's a minor detail, as harry's anger at Albus must be deatlt with first.

and just wait until Seveurs shows up!



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 07:13 am · Chapter: Christmas Presents

What a perfect present for Draco.


And his Mum's jewels ar just right for Hermione and a slick way of saying yes.

ANd alls right at the Burrow.

Okay, when's the bomb going ot go foo?

Nest chapters?

I'd better go check.


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 07:04 am · Chapter: Christmas Day Cont.

“No, its okay Harry, and I’m fine Ginny.” Ron said and looked at Draco. “I deserved that.”


Dumbledore's going to show up!?!

Well, I can't sit around typing when it's all coming together, so I'll just move on to the next chapter!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 06:58 am · Chapter: Christmas Day - Part 1

Yeah, that's christmas at the Burrow for you.

Ron and Molly acting as if nothing happened and Draco fitting in just fine.


Hopefully, it'll all work out. At least Draco will get a Weasley sweater ( and he'll probalby wear it proudly until it falls apart!)


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 06:49 am · Chapter: Christmas Eve

I stand corrected, Ron didn't stick his foot in it, Hermione did.

Brilliant! Now you've done it, girl!

ANd probably screwed up the prophsey, too!

Better keep going and see!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 06:43 am · Chapter: The lost life


WEll, it's old home week at Hogwarts and RON, of all people, is at the center.

This is getting REALLY strange, but fascinating at the same time.

So much for fluff!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 06:35 am · Chapter: Christmas

ROn did his bit, but still almost stuck his foot in it.

Now Minerv's in on it? Can Severus be far behind?

I'm a Christmas tree fanatic, too, so yeah for Hermione!

Perfect gifts and SAY YES, DRACO!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 06:28 am · Chapter: Snape's Return and New Couples

HOLY S#!T! IT WAS SEVERUS!  And he's in love with this Cassiel, but they can't be together and  . . . I 'm getting confused . . .sounds like another story, altogether.

Cute scene in the shower and Hermione's little display od domestic goddess tendencies afterward.

And Ginny squealing abou them being together.


Author's Response:

My story "Only Fate Can Decide" will be the spin off story to tell the one about Cassiel and Snape :) Ah, you are making me wanna write more...this fic...is incomplete and I LOVE the plot I have...gah!!! Must think about baby first...but you are revoking my initial love for this story..*sigh*...But THANK YOU! I'm enjoying all these reviews!!!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 06:20 am · Chapter: Prophocies and Amulets

Oh jeez, Ron's on a mission.

Thisis gonna get complicated really quickly, isn't it?

Are Draco and HErmione going to be okay? ANd Harry and GInny?

Is this where Snape comes back into the picture? Is he still alive?

Right, I know, keep reading . . . .

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 06:14 am · Chapter: A Declaration of Love in the Rain

"They were both unaware of the eyes that were watching them"



That was a wonderful chapter and II was afraid Hermione was going to screw it up, but luckily , she finally siad the right thing at the right time!

Okay, onward, to find out who the peeping tom is.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 06:07 am · Chapter: Letters and Emotions

Oh, sure, Draco gets a box of tissues for Ginny and Hermione, while I'm left to drip all over my keyboard!

Thanks a bunch!

And the end of the bloody chapter got me started all over again!

Well, that was some revolation as to Draco's reasons, wasn't it?


Oh, yeah, finding Ron.  BLAH!


(He's probably on some south Pacific island srounded by native girls, getting snogged sillyand vaguley remembering what's her name with the bushy hair.)


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 05:57 am · Chapter: Secrets Revealed

Oaky, another step closer to the truth and it's really getting interesting.

Wait a minute, Snape survived? Where is he? DOn't tell me he's running a home for runaway wizards? Is Ron his newest member? HA!HA!

 Okay , I'll shut up and keep reading.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 05:51 am · Chapter: The Plan Falls into Place

Holy moly, here it comes.

Now we're gonna find out the truth and it sounds like it's gonna be a doozie!

But if Severus said he had to stay until he returned and then he ( Severus ) was killed, how'd Draco get out!???

Gotta read on!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 05:46 am · Chapter: The Car Trip

Oh, for the love of . . . . JUST BLOODY DO IT!

THat was a waeet gesture on Draco's part, though, putting his hand back and letting her know he was there for her.

 And GInny, blees her, is getting into matchmaking mode, brother or no brother!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 05:41 am · Chapter: Thoughts Reflected and a Plan is Devised

Now there's something you don't see everyday, those four living under the same roof and getting along  (almost) just perfectly.


ANd Ron, is STILL missing!

Really, I'm not caring too much.  FOOL!

Okay, let's see if these two can get together!

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