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Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 05:32 am · Chapter: Tempers Fly & a Family is Divided


I knew Molly was gonna pitch a fit but NOT at Ginny!

And Ginny has a temper to match ( apple didn't fall far from THAT tree )!

BUT when Molly finds out that Ginny was telling the truth, Jeez Louise! I woulnd't want to be in the same county, much less the same room!  This is gonna get good!

UNLESS, Ron denies the whole thing! That putz would, too!




Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 05:26 am · Chapter: A Muggle House

I'm as shocked as Hermione . . .so Draco better find the 'right' time to tell ALL . . SOON! I'm dying to know what the story is!

Where's he been and with whom?  What's the deal?



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 05:20 am · Chapter: Jealousy Is A Curse

Now that was an interesting interplay of friendships, changing circiumstances and emotions.

And Ron Weasley is in SUCH deep guacomole!

First Harry will tear him limb from limb, then Ginny  and the . . . MOLLY!  Hes' a dead man and Draoc never laid a finger on him!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 05:12 am · Chapter: A fearful Encounter




At least Hermione was thinking and didn't freeze. And she did just the right thing, too. Let's hope Ron doesn't APparate to her, too!

THAT would be awkward!, but funny! and I can just see the look on Ron's face!



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 05:07 am · Chapter: The Date

AW, crap, don't tell me Ron's decided he wants Hermione back! That would be JUST like him, too, thinking he could just walk back into her life.

Oh, wait, I dont' know who it is . . . let's see, Lucius is dead ( I hope ), Harry's off snogging Ginny . . . I give up, WHO IS IT????

Oh, wait, all I have to do is keep reading! DUH!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 04:57 am · Chapter: An Interesting Find & The Date Begins

Leaving Hermione and Draco alone for a moment, what the  . . .is the future Minister for Magic doing writing to Lucius Malfoy.  I HOPE there was nothing in the Malfoy estate 9 that Draco willingly handed over to the minitry ) that this guy could use for  - heaven help us - another wizarding war!

Meanwhile, back to Hermione and Daco  - what did I say about him in a black suit!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 04:50 am · Chapter: A Kiss Seals the Deal for a Date with The Devil


Nothing like taking the bull by the horns and getting right to the point! Bravo Draco!

And Luna is a HOOT! Full report . . HA!

I can't wait to see how THIS turns out!

So I better keep going!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 04:45 am · Chapter: Owls, Letters and Roses

I LOVED all the little notes on the roses.  I actually dont' like roses, oh, they'r epretty but I can't stand the smell.

ANYWAY, Draco is a persistant little bugger, ain't he?

EVERYBODY has an opinion or something to say to these two, don't they? and aren't afraid to speak up, either!



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 04:38 am · Chapter: Harry and Draco's Understanding

WEll, that sort of answered my questions about Draco, but I'm feeling like Hermione, somethings STILL not right.

But I got a lot of chapters to go through, so the answer will come up later, I suppose.

Harry, you romantic devil, proposing over a copy of Rita Skeeter's gossip column . . . how appropriate .HA!HA!

AW, jeez, I can hear Molly now! ( That's good for a chpater, right there!

Oh, and wouldn't it be a hoot if Draco came to the wedding WITH Hermione, her being maid-of-honor against Ron's best man? Ron will have a stroke!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 04:29 am · Chapter: Draco's Return

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, Darco's gonna show her how he's changed. . . . I can see a few shouting matches on the horizon and some misunderstandings and ALL kinds of fun!

Where was Draco? Azkaban for a bit, maybe or just "getting out of Dodge" until things cooled down a bit?

I know I'm being picky but I like background details. Maybe if I stop typing and continue reading, all will be explained in the next chapters!



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 04:22 am · Chapter: A Blast from the Past

Okay, hatred aside for once, these two are instantly attracted to each other? Hummmm.

I don't know about animal magnetisim, but it sounds like they're being drawn together LIKE two magnets!

(I personally think Tom Felton in a black suit, like he wore in OoP, is just all kinds of handsome and sexy!

And I'm old enough to be his grandmother! ( I may be old, but I'm not blind OR dead! )


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 04:15 am · Chapter: The Party

Oh, good, Harry and Giiny are there, at least. SO she won't feel totally alone.

What a way to be pitchforked inot a party!

I'd have made a run for it, too.

But I'd have snagged a BOTTLE of bubbly!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 04:11 am · Chapter: A Fresh Start

6 AM, like in 'butt crack of dawn' AM? for work? I can see having to get up at 6, I do it my self, but work shouldn't start until 8, at the earliest!

And Luna! She sounds like a cross between Rita Skeeter and Auntie Mame!  Talks a mile a minute and interested in socail connections?  Heaven help Hermione!

And have a food time at your party, hon!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 14/09/2008 04:05 am · Chapter: Growing up and Apart

Ron Weasley, is, as expected, - even in your AU - still thick as a post! What did he THINK she meant? Honestly, she's better off without him.

Hermione tried to do it HIS way, but she' right, that wasn't gonna work.  SHe doesn't even ride on a broom, how could she be expected to stay all whipped up about Quidditch?

Okay then, off to chapter 2 and more adventures!


Name: juls (Signed) · Date: 21/03/2008 11:40 pm · Chapter: Owls, Letters and Roses
Draco is a persistant little devil, isn't he? Though Hermione does think of him alot-- she should just say yes... get it over with.

But... going on... hopefully Hermione stoops being so hard headed.


Name: juls (Signed) · Date: 21/03/2008 11:32 pm · Chapter: Harry and Draco's Understanding
An engagement? Hary and Ginny- makes me smile. It's about time!! (Okay so it's only chapter 5 I'll calm down rofl)

There is still so much to discover as to why Draco changed beyond the fact his parents died.... Secrets... intreguing secrets... I want to know NOW missy!!!

There is so many questions this chapter creates in me....

Hopefully soon I'll know some of the answers...


Name: juls (Signed) · Date: 21/03/2008 11:27 pm · Chapter: Draco's Return
Glad to see that Draco has changed for the better as he has grown up- though he still hears his dad's voice in his head. Lucius was such a bitter mislead man, wasn't he?

I'm happy though that Harry grew up to be forgiving, for it is hard. He did though, good job =)


Name: juls (Signed) · Date: 21/03/2008 11:22 pm · Chapter: A Blast from the Past
Oh my.... Draco feeling desire for Hermione? Lovely =) You did great in summing up what happened with Draco the past few years as he thought Hermione and his 'like' for her.

Hermione though... totally blown away by a set of dead sexah blue eyes. Good job there- for her realizing it is Draco has got to be a big surprise.

Both have had to change a bit physically in the years that have passed, nice to see he is still gorgeous.


Name: juls (Signed) · Date: 21/03/2008 11:17 pm · Chapter: The Party
Oh.... fab dear. Who is this mystery person on the balcony? I can only guess the name begins with a 'D' perhaps?

Hope so... anyhow... on to the next chapter.


Name: juls (Signed) · Date: 21/03/2008 11:14 pm · Chapter: A Fresh Start
Mrs Tally seems awesome, and I'm glad that Hermione's mother thought to send her to a retreat to think things through rather than just pushing her to start work right away. They'd all been through so much, a small 'vacation' to rejuvinate was the best thing her mum could have done.

It was lovely to see Luna, I love her- just can't really get a handle on her myself to write her.

Oh... and a party.... sounds like fun..


Name: juls (Signed) · Date: 21/03/2008 11:10 pm · Chapter: Growing up and Apart
Lovely beginning.. or is it an ending actually (for R/Hr?). I like how you did it though- I usually just kill him off and be done with it. You gave Hermione a valid argument to 'end' it.

Good job dear... reading on. ~~juls

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