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Name: lil-miss-heartless (Signed) · Date: 01/04/2009 06:16 pm · Chapter: Chapter 12
hahaha - we 'SKIPPED' to class did we?! Who is she? 'Little Miss Sunshine' ???
HAHAHAHAHA! The random emotions are a bit strange but it's cool.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 21/11/2008 01:56 am · Chapter: Chapter 12

Mom always knows best

Hummm, I wonder if Draco misses his Mom . . . .if she's even alive.

Oh well, that's another sotry!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 21/11/2008 01:41 am · Chapter: Chapter 11

Draco's just as confused as Hermione and that doesn't sit well with him, does it? 

Oh, Lord, Minerva with an idea AND a twinkle in her eye?!?!



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 21/11/2008 01:35 am · Chapter: Chapter 10

Ah, I think that last sentence may have just done the trick . . . only on way to find out, though . . .



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 20/11/2008 02:53 am · Chapter: Chapter 9

Hummm, how can she help Draco with out telling him her reasons.  if she just starts being nice, he'll smell a rat.

Tricky bit 'o business.



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 20/11/2008 02:41 am · Chapter: Chapter 8

"Hermione was speechless"

This is proff that there is a God AND he has a sense of humor!





Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 20/11/2008 02:27 am · Chapter: Chapter 7

I know the point is Draco getting even with Hermione by spilling the beans about Ron and his new girlfriend, but  . . . .  . . DRACO KILLED HIS FATHER!!!!!!

WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? ( don't get me wrong - I hate Lucius with a pruple passion ) DO WE GET THE DETAILS?  IS THIS WHEN DRACO GOT HURT?  HUH???????

May as well keep reading, as the answer might be in the next chapter . . .

or the next . . .

or the next . . .

I'm on a mission . . . to read about the (hopefully painful ) death of Lucius Malfoy!



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 19/11/2008 07:43 am · Chapter: Chapter 6

Ah ha! Rule #1 . . . smart one, Hermione, but maybe she'll change her mind, huh?

They're talking very easily to each other and I don't believe it's even for the reasons Draco listed. SO, I think things are heating up here; whether they both realize it or would even admit it, for that matter.

Better keep going and see what happens.

This is getting good . . .


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 19/11/2008 07:27 am · Chapter: Chapter 5

Sweet Mary , Mother of Pearl!


Now THIS is really getting good.

And speaking of good . . . good lemony snog session!


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 19/11/2008 07:16 am · Chapter: Chapter 4

"Somewhere in the back of Hermione's mind she had come to the conclusion she could trust Draco Malfoy.."

That one line alone is so full of possibilities that I'm almost speechless!

I said almost.   HE!HE!

You put this in the middle:

 "Ron had many lessons he needed to learn and having people make up excuses for him didn't make things any better."

And that's Ron's whole porblem, he just blurts out stuff and then:

A) Doesn't have a vlue how tactless his remarks are . . . or hurtfull

B) When Hermione gets mad, he just shruggs and says he's sorry, but he doen't know what he's done, so he does it agin, sooner or later . . . and

C) Hermione or SOMEONE needs to EXPLAIN why the things he says are SO stupid and WHY they hurt Hermione's feelings.

Maybe she should turn the tables on him and then he'd get the point, but then again, probably not, as he'd just get mad and pout!



Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 19/11/2008 07:03 am · Chapter: Chapter 3

I take that back (first sentence of my previous review) . . . Ronald Bilius Weasley is the most CLUELESS person on God's green earth!  And Harry's running a close second!

At least Draco didn't rub sslt in the wound, but was surprizingly sympathetic and even got Hermione to laugh!!

Bet his apprasial of her body in the bikini was a bit of a shock for her.  Luckily, she was too focused on being mad at Ron to get the full meaning. . . or was she?


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 19/11/2008 02:59 am · Chapter: Chapter 2

Hermione hasn't got a clue, does she?

This is Draco we're talking about, not Neville!  Does she have any idea what he must be thinking as he's eyeing her. . . . apparently not.

The water battle was a giggle and the fact she didn't even realize what a compromising position she'd assumed when washing his hair was down right hysterical to envision . . . HE!HE!HE!

Okay, will do more R&R later tonight.

You have been warned.


Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 17/11/2008 09:59 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1

Talk about oil and water!

"It wasn’t fair that he could hurt her and she couldn’t say anything to him that would make a dent in that cold exterior of his."

I don'tknow about that line . . . after all Hermione was fairly mean to Draco at the meeting . . .

" your houses will start loosing their points faster than Malfoy lost the sensation in his useless legs! "

She can be a bit snippy, too! So, it's going to be a interesting relationship, isn't it?

Will get back to R&R when I get home tonight.  Lunch break is over .  . . .back to the old grindstone.


Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 20/05/2008 06:40 pm · Chapter: Chapter 5
This is getting interesting... I don't think it's realistic - I really like things to be that way, especially in a Dramione, but I know that there are a lot of people who really like to read plots that are more out there. I just have a hard time believing that this would happen.

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 20/05/2008 06:33 pm · Chapter: Chapter 4

I think you have some good ideas, but to make them believable, more detail would be helpful. For example, you've got the banter and arguing down between the members of the trio, but it would be more interesting if Hermione's emotions were shown more throughout it. It's hard for me to tell if she wants Draco to help her or if she is having feelings for him. I was pretty shocked by finding out that she has walked in on him with someone on top of him and his chair.

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 20/05/2008 06:28 pm · Chapter: Chapter 3

This chapter is kind of setting up the tension between Hermione and Ron, and I can't tell yet if she is going to end up with Ron or Draco... I know she definitely feels differently about Draco than she thought she would, but you never can tell how those things will go. I'm still not loving the idea of Draco as a sex god, but it does work in some way if he is going to give her classes in seduction, I guess.

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 20/05/2008 06:22 pm · Chapter: Chapter 2

Okay ... I like the flow of this story. It's an easy read. The banter back and forth between Draco and Hermione is enjoyable.

That said, I think that the whole bathtub thing seems very contrived. I like the idea of her having to help him against her will, but I don't think the bathtub situation is realistic. For one, if he couldn't bathe himself, he could just use a spell .. He has use of his hands, right? And even if she did have to give him a bath for some reason, I don't see a reason for her to have to wear a bikini to do so. I hope that doesn't sound too harsh, but it's how I see it.

Oh, and I like the way you are having Draco open up about his thoughts and feelings regarding his family. It's in-character for him even though we never see him doing that in canon.

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 19/05/2008 04:36 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1

This starts off showing that Ron is not going to be the person for Hermione is an effective way. I was really interested in the flashback involving Draco, especially when the Dark Lord was in his house. Very creepy.

I'm wondering what the timeframe of your story is. I'm assuming that Voldy did something to Draco at his house.

I like the way you characterize Draco at the beginning, talking cruelly to Hermione, but it seems that he gets into joking with her way too quickly for my comfort. The change has to be gradual or it won't be as believable. Also, be careful about setting Draco up as some kind of sex god. I mean, in canon we don't even really get the sense that he was THAT handsome. I would think if he had a lot of experience, it would be due to manipulation and charm rather than his physical attributes.

I'm curious to know what happened to Draco!

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