Name: SiriuslyPeeved (Signed) ·
Date: 28/10/2009 03:39 pm ·
Chapter: Graverobbers
I loved this, it had such a surprise twist and the blending of Muggle/magical methods was seamless and very well done. I hope you do have more up your sleeve regarding the hapless little wizard, George Krupp. I was also very interested in the difference between zombies / Inferi, as you see it. Presumably, raising a "zombie" would be easier, and not quite so dark as raising an Inferi. I love when a story gives me a different aspect of magic to think about.
Author's Response: It literally had a surprise twist (ha, ha). I really toned down the Muggle/magic crossover in the sequel. Harry still has a mobile phone and a gun, but he has Muggle relations so the phone makes sense and the gun is important to the story. If I were re-writing Graverobbers, I would tone down the technology/magic crossover element a bit.
Harry calls the zombies 'Inferi,' but they're not actually either zombies or inferi; they have a snippet of personality and that makes them quite different. Inferi are just mindless puppets, very like traditional zombies. I do address this in 'Bodies at Rest'.
I'm glad you liked this story. It shows that it was something I wrote early in my HP career, but I think the plot stands up still and that's what it sounds like you liked. :)
Name: emLILYEVANS (Signed) ·
Date: 02/07/2009 05:34 am ·
Chapter: Graverobbers
Author's Response: Hey, wow! Thanks for reviewing this older story of mine. This was the first story that I ever finished and I would do some of it differently now, but I'm glad you liked the story. It was definitely meant to be creepy, so I'm also glad that you enjoyed that aspect of it.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 05/09/2008 06:37 pm ·
Chapter: Graverobbers
Now that is a really good Halloween story!
I just might read it to my grandkids . . . ain't I a stinker?
Seriously, when Fred winked, i knew it was different then the Inferi as JKR used. Too bad about the kid's sister.
Another great little story to add to my favorites list!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review of this story. Yes, they are quite different from Inferi, Harry just didn't know what else to call them. I do have a (novella or novel length) sequel to this planned, but it will be quite some time before I get to it.
Looking at this story now, I still like the technology angle, but in the sequel it would be toned down.
Even dead, Fred's still Fred.
Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) ·
Date: 14/07/2008 09:10 am ·
Chapter: Graverobbers
Fred is still Fred. Gotta love it. Very different kind of story, but I liked it!
Author's Response: Thanks for the kind review. I'm glad that you liked it, as it is a different kind of story, like you mentioned. Yep, Fred is Fred, whether dead or alive.
Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) ·
Date: 14/05/2008 04:21 pm ·
Chapter: Graverobbers
This reveals some very interesting possibilities. I like the mystery regarding the connection between the different bodies and why they were resurrected. I feel sorry for that poor little boy who has a family that doesn't want him to be a wizard! :( I liked getting to see Fred again! Also, I really like the way you incorporate modern Muggle objects into the wizarding culture. I mean, come on, they can't stay Blackberry-less forever, right?
Author's Response: Thank you. This was originally written for the Halloween challenge at HPFF, but I really like it. Some people are understandly turned off by the mixture of technology and magic, hence the warning. I do have a sequel (novella length) to this planned, but I don't know how long it will take me to get to it. I just want to make it clear that I realize that Inferi are no more than puppets, and that what George Krupp raises aren't really Inferi, but something more. Harry thinks of them as Inferi because he has no reference point to call them anything else. Thanks Jessi for the nice review.