Name: Melila (Signed) ·
Date: 19/10/2008 01:28 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 1
Ha ha this story makes me chuckle! I've read it before...can't remember which website...I'm thinking this story!
Mel xxx
Name: Labby (Signed) ·
Date: 05/06/2008 05:56 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 1
Haha.. this was such a funny story! I loved their little game of what-if and I loved the house elves at the end. I thought their bickering was cute, and I liked that they were already in a relationship, rather than them just being mad at each other at first. It was cute.
Author's Response: Thank you for such a nice review!
Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) ·
Date: 21/03/2008 06:52 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 1
This is absolutely hilarious! Their little comebacks are completely in character... This is the only way I could envision their relationship actually being plausible! It fit for them just kissing for the first time (like you led me to believe at first) or for them being playful with each other as a married couple. It's actually more hilarious with them being married! I was wondering why Draco would be wearing a yellow tie, but the fact that this is post-Hogwarts makes it all make sense... The House-elf lines at the end are great as well! You are the master of comebacks! :)
Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing!rnThat yellow tie! Everyone wants to know WHY yellow... I guess that was the color I thought Draco would NEVER wear- plus yellow only works on certain people. I actually added the house-elves at the last second because the ending I had was too blah. I'm sure glad I did!
Name: fhestia (Signed) ·
Date: 20/03/2008 05:06 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 1
Fantastic, very funny story! I was laughing especially hard at the image of Draco in gloves cleaning a cat box. I really enjoyed this - thanks for making me smile.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I was really shocked at the possitive feedback I received from this story. It was fun to write and I'm happy you liked it!
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 19/03/2008 09:32 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 1
I adored this story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
I really loved the game, the questions and taunting...I was expecting the ol' cliched where they are at school and they really hate each other...But as it turned out, they are married and its just a game they play!!! I was grinning the WHOLE time I was reading...then laughing my butt off at the end with the elves!!!
I can see why this story won awards, its very well written, funny and a ship I'm totally in love with!! Thank you again for sharing this with us here at Gluttony!
Author's Response: I'm known for my twists in my stories, so be warned...rnrnThanks for the nice reviews! It did win one award, but never made it past the first round at the Dramione awards- still it was nice that someone nominated it!