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Name: Melila (Signed) · Date: 19/10/2008 01:41 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
Awww this had me grinning like a loon and yearning to be in a library on valentines day...Draco is so unbelievably sweet in this fic...makes me want to take him home with me and never ever let him go...if only *sigh*

Wonderful as always

Mel xxx

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 24/03/2008 09:14 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
Again, this is really cute. I love your flirtatious depictions of Draco and Hermione. They're a ship I really enjoy if its done well, and you do that! :) I noticed you put a BUNCH of Dramiones on here which I look forward to reading!

Author's Response: Thank you so much for revieiwng! I actually wrote this to prove to my husband that I could write something that didn't contain any smut and still be good!

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