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Name: Melila (Signed) · Date: 19/10/2008 02:13 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
Oh no! I don't get it! Ummm I'm very confused...please could you explain it to me?

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 14/05/2008 03:57 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
Hmmm... this is interesting... I like the way you play with time. I have the feeling this is somehow like a continuous circle of him getting hurt, delusional, waking up with amnesia, and then having more dreams about it? That's what I'm guessing. I'm glad that he decided to love her and stay with her. This is really well-done, really makes me have to think.

Author's Response: Thank you for the nice review! This fic was so confusing to readers that at one time it had another chapter just to explain it!

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