Name: gnilworkj (Signed) ·
Date: 20/01/2009 08:45 pm ·
Chapter: After Dead Did Us Part
There are a few errors I'd like to address. Some are personal opinions (which you can choose to ignore- as you are the writer of this lovely story) Others are spelling errors which you might want to correct.
Chapter Title: is listed as "After Dead Did Us Part" you might want to change to match Story title.
"Her brother and his fiancée..." should be fiancé
"Hermione realised at once that the two women were making provision for her and Ron to spend time on their own," should be spelled realized.
It had been after all a most beautiful day, when they got married," personal opinion to maybe change to "when they were married,"
"Molly, at that point, suggested that they got back indoors, that the weather was not right for the little one," personal opinion to change to "get back indoors"
"as if fuelled by a magical force" should be spelled fueled
"what the town has lost in commerce, has gained in tranquillity.” should be spelled tranquility.
"Ginny kneeled by one of the side naves" personal opinion to consider using 'knelt' instead.
"she was losing her marbles, losing him had finally got to her!" maybe use "finally gotten to her.' but I can see your version reading properly also, using 'gotten' is a personal opinion based on the way I talk and you know how we Yanks trash the English language ;)
"On their arrival, they found them already there over a pot of coffee." This sentence doesn't sound right. Maybe change to "they found them already waiting there sharing a pot of coffee."
Ok, now onto the review... This is such a sad, bitter-sweet tale of Ginny losing her spouse. I dreaded getting to the end of DH and finding that JK killed my beloved Harry, I mean, Ginny's beloved Harry. I'm so glad she didn't. Your story delves into the feelings Ginny would have had, had that unfortunate event occurred. How does one move on after the death or loss of someone who consumes your heart as I'm sure Harry consumed Ginny's. As we all know, Harry would never have wanted Ginny to wallow in sadness. He would have wanted her to move on and eventually find love and happiness again.
I have a feeling you have been to this beach and walked it's shores, visiting cafes and pondering your life and the unexpected turns it has taken. I love walking the beach at the Jersey shore and hearing the waves pound the sand. It can be quite therapeudic and was glad to see Ginny healing with the help of the waves and sounds of the shore.
I was shocked to read that you gave Harry's son red hair instead of black. Still characteristically unruley though.
This story gave me a sense of peace while reading it knowing that time really does move on. Maybe not quite as you originally pictured it but it marches on just the same buffering the sorrow and the pain as it passes.
Thanks for sharing this lovely story. I enjoyed reading and reviewing for you.
Author's Response: Oh, thanks sooo much! I loved this review! You are so throrough as well. Yes, I missed a few typos and spelling errors here, got should definitely have been "get" and I prefer "when they were married" to even if they are both correct but your version is more elegant. Now realize is the US English version of realise, so I'll leave it the British way since that's what I'm familiar with. Many people have pointed this out throughout my writing though! Now, when the author is American I never try to put it into British English because I feel there is no right or wrong there. The same goes for "got" instead of "gotten" but you knew this. lol
Now, onto the content. Jessi set up a Valentine's challenge last year and I was going through the break up of a long relationship so I didn't feel like writing something totally happy. As you know, I love Harry to bits and I thought I could feel Ginny's emotions in the circumstances. Now, the baby was my insurance policy in case JKR killed Harry! (Am I sad or what? lol) Like you I thought there was a 50/50 chance of this happening. Of course, since HP is supposed to be a children's series, they would not have had the baby, unless this scene was set well after DH, because Ginny would be about 17 here (mind you age of consent in the UK is 16, but still... - the beauty of being able to write mature!) I'm toying with the idea of using this baby in another story (well, when he is about 11).
So, the red hair shocked you! lol Well, I thought that he had to have characteristics of both and the red hair gene seems very strong in the Weasley family but of course he has untidy hair and his eyes are just like Harry's (he had to have Harry's eyes!)
Yes, you guess right, I have been to that French town and I love it. Also, when I was writing it, I recalled that Hermione and her parents used to take holidays in France so I thought it would very quite plausible for them to have a holiday home there.
Ginny is obviously not quite ready to move on just yet but yes, Harry would have wanted for her to be happy and yes, time can be a healer but not a very fast one. Of course, I love their love story. I know a lot of fans think that their relationship came very much out of the blue but, personally, I see it as something very profound. In my main story, Ginny knows exactly what can happen and what she is getting herself into... how hurt she could be in the end... but well, if I had been in her shoes, I would have still married him anyway!
Lovely, lovely review. I must fix those errors now, though. x
Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) ·
Date: 02/09/2008 05:46 am ·
Chapter: After Dead Did Us Part
How lovely. I do love your writing style, and this is just so touching. I love the bit in the church, with the presence of Harry so strong about her. Giving her a bit of Harry to keep with her in the child was a sweet touch.
Author's Response: I'm so glad you liked this one-shot. I wrote it for a Valentine's challenge but I didn't want a very happy story since I wasn't feeling too happy myself. I really did have serious fears for Harry before DH and I think my coping strategy was to give Ginny his child. I figured that that would keep her going regardless of how sad she felt.
Thanks so much for your review. We both really like Harry/Ginny don't we? x
Name: reallyginny (Signed) ·
Date: 14/05/2008 05:29 am ·
Chapter: After Dead Did Us Part
I particularly enjoyed your characterization of Molly in this piece and thought it was spot-on in even the small details: the hand-knitted outfit and the fussing over her grandchild; her intuition concerning Ginny's emotional state. It was bittersweet, but positive in the end. I enjoyed it very much.
Author's Response: Thanks so much for reviewing this story. I'm really pleased you enjoyed it! I quite like Molly, actually, so yes, even if she was a bit mad at first when she found out Ginny was having a baby, she is glad of having him to fret about. Yes, I wanted for there to be some positive element too, otherwise this would have been just too depressing.rnrnThanks a lot!
Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) ·
Date: 28/03/2008 01:17 pm ·
Chapter: After Dead Did Us Part
This story is a very good examination of death and loss, and life moving on, all things that were missing from Deathly Hallows. And I really like the closing statement: "She had been lucky once, she should rejoice in that; she had experienced love, intensely, passionately, selflessly... and nothing in this world or the next could ever take that away from her." a beautiful sentiment.
Author's Response: Thanks so much for reviewing this. I'm really pleased that you liked how I dealt with this topic. I wrote this for Jessi's Valentine's Day challenge and I just couldn't get myself to write something 100% happy. I had my worries as if it was too sappy but most reviews have been very positive so far. I had to add some tiny bit of hope also, otherwise this would have been just pure mysery.rnrnAgain, thanks so much!