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Name: Eyriana (Signed) · Date: 11/09/2008 10:20 pm · Chapter: Whodunit?
Gubbiness, this is so CUTE! And incredibly unlike you, because - you know - fluff is not your thing, usually :P But I can still see you in it, which is great. I laughed, I admit it - while not the fall-out-of-your seat type of humour, it has its amusing moments and I think I was smiling the whole time reading it. Even in these 999 words (:P), I love the characterizations of each person in the story - even Amycus Carrow, who only spoke one line, I believe? ^_^ Anyway, great job on this, Gubby. Dare say I - you should write fluff a little more often.

Yes. Yes I did say that.


Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 10/09/2008 05:29 am · Chapter: Whodunit?
This is a very cute interaction between Ted and Andromeda. I love the way they play off each other. Andromeda has the Black attitude and power, but not the bias and prejudices that drive her sisters. Ted is clearly Muggle-born, and I really like the way you weave Muggle slang in to confuse Andromeda, the pureblood. This is really good.

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 29/05/2008 07:55 am · Chapter: Whodunit?
Squee... that was adorable! I loved it! I've only read a couple of stories where Andromeda is even in the story, and I loved how you characterized her and how Ted came out to be the one to help her. I didn't suspect him at all. It was really cute for such a short story and I thought you did a good job at showing their relationship in so few lines. Great job!

Author's Response: Aww, thank you, Jamie! *hugs* Andromeda is, sadly, an underappreciated character in fanon. One of the many reasons I love her and Tedromeda. Haha, I thought Ted being the perpetrator was painfully obvious! But that's one of the perks of fluff, everything's pretty obvious but oh so sweet! :D Haha, thank you so much! *hugs again*

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 20/05/2008 06:51 pm · Chapter: Whodunit?
Awwww! This is all sweet and fluffy, and I love it! I like the way you should Andromeda as being tough enough to stand up for herself against all that trash. Having Ted actually cast the spell was just perfect... I like it that he told her to shut up and kissed her! Woot!

Author's Response: Gah, I'm late! But that's no surprise, knowing me. But I'm so happy you liked it, Jessi! Tedromeda is just a lovely ship, I think ^_^ Woot indeed, thanks for the review!

Name: x-happygirl (Signed) · Date: 30/03/2008 12:06 am · Chapter: Whodunit?
Heyya! Loved it completely, very fluffy, very playful, very funny and great for only 999 words :O

Now I probably should be getting on to writing a mystery and killing ******.

Author's Response: Oh, Val! *grins* I'm so happy you liked it! Fluffy, playful, and funny were all things I was going for! :D Glad it worked, and can't wait to see YOUR fics! *grins* *huggles*

Name: Stephanie (Anonymous) · Date: 29/03/2008 10:34 pm · Chapter: Whodunit?
Very cute, Gubby. The plotline was really sweet and I loved Ted's witty remarks. Just what I needed for a smile to appear on my face. Well done =)

Author's Response: Yay! This review is short and sweet, and I'm very appreciative! You know, since you're the resident Tedromeda genius. Glad it gave you a smile, it's supposed to! :) Thanks so much, I'm really honored! *huggles*

Name: juls (Signed) · Date: 29/03/2008 09:52 pm · Chapter: Whodunit?
Oh gubby...... masterful lead-in to the kiss =)

More... More.... write more fluffy Ted/Dromeda's plz


Author's Response: Juls! You're too sweet! *grins happily* I'm so glad you liked it! Hopefully I'll be writing more Tedromeda in the future. :D *huggleglompsquishtackles* Thanks so much!

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