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Reviews For No

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 30/08/2008 04:32 am · Chapter: When the dust cleared
For a first time fic writer, you write with great emotional depth and poise! I am amazed that it took prodding to convince you to do this! Hermione's gripping grief and sadness was very real, and you left a very definite picture of the scene in the readers' minds. Nicely done.

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 13/06/2008 03:56 pm · Chapter: When the dust cleared
Oh, I'm so glad this isn't the way the story really ended.  I like how you keep us guessing as to who has died, though.  It could have been Ron, but I also like how you have her grief be because she lost her friend, her brother, and NOT her love.  Very well done.

Name: war and peace (Signed) · Date: 03/06/2008 12:11 pm · Chapter: When the dust cleared
SEQUINS!!!!! *shuts up now*

What is this with people who've never written a fic before, and handle charries instead? You always have the most amazingly powerful stories, and they're always short... Well, maybe I'm generalising a little, but go read Ayesha's (Afterglow here) story! ZOMG, it is AMAZING.

I loved it. Loved Loved Loved. It was just so... loverful! (Is this why my poor girl is never good at expressing herself? Hm...) It was so powerful, and sad, and powerfully sad... and althought I hate Harmony almost as much as I hate Dramione, this was just wonderful. I shall stop rambling now, but can I say it just one more time?

I loved it.

Emma xx

Name: Labby (Signed) · Date: 03/06/2008 06:23 am · Chapter: When the dust cleared
Wow, what a beautiful, touching, amazing story. You're really a great writer and I hope you write more. To be able to convey that much emotion and feeling in such a short piece is truly wonderful. This story was sad, but beautiful. Keep writing.

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 14/05/2008 08:41 pm · Chapter: When the dust cleared
This is so emotional and heartfelt. I love the way "No" is repeated throughout. It really adds to the emotional affect. The whole time I was trying to guess if it was Harry or Ron, but for some reason I could tell it was Harry. I think this is very true to how Hermione would have reacted had this happened. Very nice!

Name: Angel (Signed) · Date: 08/01/2008 05:58 am · Chapter: When the dust cleared
*wipes away tears*

If this is your first story...then you need to write more...now..please! This was absolutely gut-wrenching and beautiful. Thank you for posting it sharing it with us on Gluttony. It was touching!

Author's Response: *blush* Aw! Thanks Angel!!! I've thought about writing more ... maybe. We'll see if being around such flipping talented people rubs of on me!

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