Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 21/11/2008 08:12 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 3
Ron, the witless wonder, does it again!
The pranks were good but the gift of the map was a bit confusing . . . how did George get it? I thought it was in Harry's possession. Oh, well, literary license.
Again, why are the dementors flying loose around Harry's house????
Curious . . okay, nosey people ( me ) want answers!
Guess I'll get them in up coming chapters, huh?
Author's Response: Sorry I haven't been around Gluttony much. Thanks for the review! I never really thought of explaining how George got the map, but now that you mention it... I did explain the dementors, though, luckily enough! I think it's in chapter four, right when Leo gets attac--oops!
<3, Tigga.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 21/11/2008 07:53 am ·
Chapter: Difficult Surroundings
Dementors? Why on earth would they hang around Harry's house???? Umbridge isn't still around, causing trouble, is she?
Ron . . . GROW UP!
What am I saying . . this is Ron "socially delinquent / tactfulness challenged" Weasley I'm talking about . . Forget it, he'll NEVER change!
Okay, on to the next chapter!
Author's Response: I explained later. Sorry for the suspense/confusion. lol.
Yeah, Ron, in my mind, would never really change--except for money. He probably would be swayed by a large clump of galleons if it came his way.
<3, Tigga.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 21/11/2008 07:29 am ·
Chapter: The King Lion
I haven't read much concerning the 'new kids'. and this was a delightful way to start. Even with your OC, it was believable and very true to the "Marauder/Trio" way of life.
SO, I think I'll just check out your other stories/chapters.
Author's Response: Oh, thank you for making me your first! That's very sweet of you. I wasn't trying to recreate any old-time traditions, but I guess I should try harder at avoiding it or just accept it. lol.
I'm posting the other chapters now. Sorry for the delay.
<3, Tigga.
Name: Elena (Signed) ·
Date: 24/04/2008 05:54 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 3
Awwww :)
I thought the prank was brilliant and very original, made me laugh.
But Leo's gifts were just so sweet. Makes you wanna slap Ron for being such a git!!
Author's Response: Thanks. I was really hoping that the prank would get that response. All the fluff stuff can go out the window as long as people can get a good laugh. :)
<3, Tigga.