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Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 02/09/2008 06:21 am · Chapter: Chapter 1


I've had my share of days and nights and mornings afters like Hermione just went through.  They're a pain in the tookus but they're also part of life.

AND , if you're lucky, you have friends, like Neville and Hannah, who help you through them.

Great little story.

If only I'd had that potion that Hannah sent over, would have saved me MANY a time!


Author's Response: What good is having a friend who's a witch and a bartender, if she doesn't know how to cure a hangover?  Thanks for reading again!

Name: potterverse (Signed) · Date: 06/05/2008 08:18 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
Great story! It made me laugh. I especially like when Hermoine said, "J-o-o" and "I'm n-o-o-o-t". That was very funny and believable. I could totally hear her saying it. This is my favorite humorus story you have done. Keep up the great work!

Author's Response: Oh, thanks so much, Ginny. Poor Hermione, all alone, while her man has a gorgeous blonde chasing after him...even if he's clueless to it. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :o)

Name: war and peace (Signed) · Date: 18/04/2008 08:43 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
And now... for a review that has NOT ONE mention of commas...
I loved it. Although I shall repeat what Ford the Prefect said - the world is not yet ready for a drunken Hermione. It's a hilarious picture though. Interesting how she kissed Neville - I would never have seen that coming. Ron in the photo (how he doesn't know that Jo likes him) is just so.. Ron. Fabulous.


Author's Response: Thank you. I adore Ron, and his cluelessness, lol. And kissing Neville...that was the whole reason for writing VoH and this little one-shot. I so wanted to have her kiss him, without it ruining everything with Ron...although...I imagine at some point he's going to find out...doodley-doo. :o)

Name: war and peace (Signed) · Date: 18/04/2008 08:40 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
*whispers* I have a comma to add!
'“I take it Ginny is away with the team if you were eating by yourself this evening?”' - comma between team and if.. I think. I don't think I'm feeling quite alright if I'm adding commas, but yeah...

And I'm back to my normal self... 'Was she losing him to that, Lavender Wannabe?' No comma there, love.

See? I managed to beta it even when you refused to send it to me! That was hardly questionable material! Honestly...

If you would like I can do a more in depth beta job if you sent me it in a Word doc.

I'm killing myself picturing your face when you read this...

The Comma Nazi

Author's Response: LOL...You are not supposed to be reading this! And adding a comma...*gasp* you don't mean it, lol. Be careful now, you don't want them to think you're going soft! ;o)

Name: Ford the Prefect (Signed) · Date: 17/04/2008 03:04 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
Very amusing, Taryn, although I'm not sure the world is ready for a drunken Hermione. *smile*

I like that you portray Neville and Hannah as good and caring friends. And I also like Ron's letter. In your stories you tend to portray him as being somewhat mature, and knowing how to say the right thing at the right time, even if he doesn't know he's doing it (which is typical for him). I like that.

Author's Response: Ron can be clueless (he has no idea that Jo is interested in him), but I think he grew up A LOT during DH. Although sometimes I wonder if I don't give him a little too much credit, lol. Although, I doubt that he'd have known the right thing to say then if Hermione had confronted him. He just happened to finally have a few minutes to sit down and tell her how much he cared, and it just happened to be at the time she needed to hear it the most. Thanks for reading, Doug! :o)

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