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Reviews For Drink Me

Name: Jan_AQ (Anonymous) · Date: 14/10/2010 04:58 am · Chapter: Chapter 1

Wow, great one-shot! I loved it. Good job with all of the characters and descriptions. Thanks for posting it!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much.  I'm glad you enjoyed the story.  I appreciate you reading and reviewing.  It brighted my day.  Cheers!

Name: BKL8008 (Signed) · Date: 16/12/2008 07:11 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
This is just a wonderful story, and it explains a great deal about Snape's character. Anyone who suffers debilitating headaches can appreciate his suffering.
It's also so well written, and captures every character involved just perfectly.

Author's Response: Thanks so much.  I'm glad you liked it and thought it was a good explination.  Thank you for the lovely compliment about keeping true to the characters.  Thanks for reading and reviewing.  Cheers!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 07/09/2008 01:36 am · Chapter: Chapter 1

Well, if he hadn't figured out it was Luna, were the house-elves next? Or maybe Filch?

Actually, I REALLY enjoyed the snippets and barbs traded between Severusa and Minerva.  They were spot on.

I like Luna . . . haven't figured her thought patterns out yet, but I like her.

She's not drifty of ditzy , just different. Viva la difference!

Nice little one shot and his headaches explain a LOT!


Author's Response: House-elves, gee, I hadn't thought of that, maybe I'll include them in my next story.  I'm sure they have an interesting relationship with our beloved Professor of Potions.  I'm glad you enjoyed Minerva and Severus' banter.  I picture them doing it all the time in my head, it is quite amusing.  Thank you for your kind reviews and I'm so happy that you find my stories interesting and amusing.  Cheers!

Name: hedwig1175 (Anonymous) · Date: 30/07/2008 04:47 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
Oh I loved it! I so didn't expect Luna! Wonderful how Professor Snape can still be nice while keeping his edge! You never disappoint me! Great work!

Author's Response:

Sorry, I'm just now getting back to this.  I'm so glad you enjoyed it and didn't see the ending coming.  Thanks again for the beauitful banner, this one is my favorite.  Cheers!

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 24/07/2008 06:08 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
Please tell me Luna isn't coking Snape up! That is too good. This is a great story, and having dealt with migraines myself I can agree that it would definitely account for Snape's continual bad mood. I think this was a stroke of genius. Great job.

Author's Response: No Luna's wouldn't do that, and if she did do that she wouldn't know she was doing it.  Thanks for the laugh!  I'm glad you enjoyed the story.  I wrote it after I had experienced a week of having migraines.  So I went along with the 'write what you know' philosophy.  Thanks for the lovely comments.  Cheers!

Name: JuicyJuice (Anonymous) · Date: 27/06/2008 07:22 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
I love this. It is cute and simple, yet totally unpredictable, and at times hilarious.

My favorite line was probably when Hermione brewed the potion and then kept it with her at all times. That was great.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much.  I'm glad you found it unpredictable and funny, those were the two elements I was shooting for.  I've never done a mystery before and I love reading them (especially Sherlock Holmes), so this was an amusing challenge. 

I'm glad you enjoyed the Hermoine part.  I don't usuall include the trio, so that was a new thing, too.  I try to not take the characters so seriously and put them in fesable, yet funny situations.  

Thanks so much for reading and responding.  Cheers!

Name: reallyginny (Signed) · Date: 14/05/2008 02:13 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
This was a nice little story with one of my favorite elements: suffering Snape.  You wrote the scenarios very plausibly with sympathy for his pain, and you nailed his snarky personality in the dialogue.  I was very pleased to discover the potionmaker was Luna, as she is my second favorite HP character.  I enjoyed this, and found only one thing you may want to consider changing:  It is a "rap" at the door and not a "wrap."  

Author's Response: Thank you so much. Yeah, 'suffering Snape' is a lot of fun. He's a 'wild and crazy guy' or 'wild and crazy git' would be more like it. Thank you for the compliment regarding the dialogue. I'm glad you liked that Luna was the helpful do-gooder. She's my second favorite character, too (Severus is obivously my first). I have some other Luna and Snape stories I wrote (they are currently on Occlumency), but I'm thinking of transfering all my writing over to here. I will also make the change you suggested. Thank you so much for your help and compliments. Cheers!

Name: Selene (Signed) · Date: 27/04/2008 09:58 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1

When I saw this pop up in the random story spot, I immidetely thought of Alice in Wonderland because of this title.  And considering everyone's favorite Ravenclaw is in it, it makes sense since she reminds me so much of a very calm combination of the March Hare and Mad Hatter.

This was great for a little laugh, and it was a great stress reliever from studying for my finals tomorrow. It was cute and great on providing enough detail to clearly imagine the scenes as we read.  Thank you for the great read!

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I'm glad you picked up on the reference I was making with the title. I often use Alice in Wonderland references in my stories, especially with Luna (sometimes I even throw in a bit of Monty Python, just to keep her stories quirky and funny). rnrnI am so glad it made you laugh, and relived you of some stress. Good luck with your finals. rnrnI grately appreciate your comments and am happy to hear that my story was able to provide clear imagery. You are most welcome and I'm delighted that you enjoyed the story. Cheers!

Name: JLHufflepuff (Signed) · Date: 25/04/2008 03:57 pm · Chapter: Chapter 1
Man, I can really relate to a teacher being overly irritated due to having a migraine, as I seem to be developing stress-related headaches lately... So I greatly feel his irritation and pain as he searches for an antidote for his headaches. I think the way he goes about trying to find out is comical, and I really enjoyed that it was Luna. I should've thought of her since it definitely seems like somethign she would do. This is a very well-done one-shot.

Author's Response: Thanks! I wrote this, because about a month ago I had horrible migraines for a week straight. So like they say 'Write what you know.' Now that you mention it, more than a few headaches as a teacher. I'm sorry you are having stress headaches. But then again, that's what Happy Hour on Friday is for, right? rnrnI'm also glad to hear that you didn't realize it was Luna until the end. I have never written a kinda mystery before, so I've never written intentionally misleading info and distracting the reader from the person 'who-dunnit'. It was an interesting exercise. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Cheers!

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 25/04/2008 01:40 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
Ginny, this was fantastic! Having suffered migraines myself, I know that tender feeling that comes at the beginning of it, and you described it perfectly. I loved the interaction between Snape and McGonagall. This is also one of the first times I've seen you include the Trio in one of your stories, and I loved seeing them, even if it was only briefly. You really have Luna down, though. I'll have to take some lessons on her because she still terrifies me. Well done!

Author's Response: Oh, thank you so much. I'm so glad you liked it. This is definately the first fan fic I have included so many characters (including the trio). I'm glad you liked it. I'm trying to branch out a little and I'm happy you felt I pulled it off. You write Luna much better than you think you do. Most people don't even write her because she terrifies them. You're doing great. Thanks so much for the review. Cheers!

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