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Reviews For Kissing a Weasley

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 03/09/2008 06:25 pm · Chapter: Kissing a Weasley
This was so sweet! I love that Ron and hermione went to help Percy move past his survivor's guilt and get on with life. Having Hermione kiss him to help him realize how alive he still was was brilliant, and I love Ron's reaction to it. He can't help that little jealous streak, can he? The ending was great, as Hermione becomes a Weasley finally, herself. Lovely!

Author's Response:

Ron was there, so he heard and saw everything that happend ;)

Thank you for reading and reviewing. I'm glad that you enjoyed it and I loved writing the wedding...Had I had more time, I may have written more about it...but then, this was supposed to be a drabble..lol...

Name: PoufSouffle (Anonymous) · Date: 02/09/2008 09:13 pm · Chapter: Kissing a Weasley
Ooooft. Loved it.
At first I was like 'Hermione and Percy? Whaaaaaaaaaaddtt?'
But then I read the rest and I got it.
Lovely story.

Author's Response: YAY!!! I'm glad you liked it in the end :)

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 06/06/2008 03:58 am · Chapter: Kissing a Weasley
I like this one, Marissa!  I know some people are upset that Hermione kissed Percy while with Ron, but as a die hard Ronmione shipper, it deosn't bother me.  It's not as if she were kissing him to cheat on Ron, she was making a point.  And Ron, surprisingly was okay with it, so all's well that end's well, right.  I love how you have them instigating Percy and Audrey meeting and how it ends with Ron and Hermione's wedding.  That just made my day.

Author's Response:

Canon wise, I'm a Ronmione fan too. I think I screamed and threw my book at the end of HBP, because they STILL weren't together by the end of it. In fan fiction though, I like getting away from Canon...but my prompt for this was Percy/Anyone and I wasn't sure who to pair with him, then this idea came to me. Its more Canon then anything, as I think Percy DOES marry an 'Audry'!

I think a few people missed my part in the store. Percy hears voices and then suddenly Hermione is there. I never said what really happened as I thought people would clue in at the end, but Ron is there the whole time, watching from under the invisibility cloak, he pushed Hermione out from under it to speak to Percy. So he heard everything too, which is why he was okay with everything...Hermione never had to hide or lie to him about anything.

At the end, I just wanted to show that Ron and Hermione WERE actually okay...That the one kiss she shared with Percy didn't bother either one of them, but Hermione will always remember that one kiss and how it felt to feel Percy be 'alive'.

Name: reallyginny (Signed) · Date: 14/05/2008 02:52 am · Chapter: Kissing a Weasley
This was a very interesting story to read and I loved the interplay of Hermione with Percy; they are a couple I never considered before and although they did not end up together in your story, it was believable to think they might. You have a deft touch with dialogue and you write in such a way that the reader cares about the characters; I was very pleased that Percy found a woman to love at the end.

Author's Response:

YAY! I can see you are hard at work ;)

Thank you for this review though. The prompt I recieved was for a Percy/Anyone and this is just what I came up with. I hadn't ever written Percy before, so I found it challenging and I wanted to keep Ron and Hermione together too, as I'm always making them split up, so it was just a whole change for me :)

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