Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 07/09/2008 02:08 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 2
AW, that was REALLY good. Severus did the right thing, even with all of the bad stuff going on around them , Lily knows he still cares. He's not the monster Death Eater , just an old friend, trying to make it right between them, in a small way.
Very sweet. it 's rates another . . . . AW.
Author's Response: Thanks again for all the reviews. I'm glad you liked this story. My interpretation of Snape is that after he turned to the right side, he always (albeit begrudingly and snarkily) did the right thing. I'm glad that you can see a glimpse of that in this story. Cheers!
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 07/09/2008 02:01 am ·
Chapter: Chapter 1
Wow. That was intense.
As much as you think you should giggle at the thought of Severus with a teddy bear, you just can't. It's too sad, pathetic, actually. And sweet.
I bet Lily didin't mind a bit that he'd taken Harry, she understood.
But I bet Severus did a double take when he found out Lily's boy's name was Harry. More likely he took a good stiff drink of fire whiskey!
Author's Response: You totally got what I was trying to convey in this story. And I agree, Sev probably did hit the sauce when he found out when Harry was born and what his name was. Thanks for all the great reviews! Cheers!
Name: Labby (Signed) ·
Date: 13/06/2008 03:36 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 2
Okay, another sweet chapter and I like that Severus returned it and that Lily remembered. It's nice seeing that he did care and that he did actually send a present for Harry, even though it was mostly for Lily. Very cute story!
Author's Response: Thanks! Yeah, I'd like to think that Snape's love for Lily made him a better person, albeit, he was still bitter and reluctant. Someone with that much love for another person, can't be all bad.
Thanks again for the reviews. Cheers!
Name: Labby (Signed) ·
Date: 13/06/2008 03:34 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 1
Aww.. this was a very sweet chapter. I loved the Teddy bear thing and I loved the comment about stuffing animals. Haha. It's just like I imagined Severus and Lily. So sweet and innocent. Cute chapter!
Author's Response: Thanks, Labby. I'm glad you found the humor in 'stuffed animals'.
I'm also happy to see Lily and Snape were as you imagined them. I wanted to keep to the canon, and give us a glimpse of their friendship. To me it was 'the' most important part of the last book, and my favorite part of the entire series, but I'm a Snape fanatic, so I'm biased.
Thanks so much for reading and responding. Cheers!
Name: hedwig1175 (Anonymous) · Date: 06/06/2008 12:59 am · Chapter: Chapter 2
OOH! I didn't expect this ending! Well done! I love that! It's got to be one of the best short stories I've ever read. :)
Author's Response: *blushes* Thank you for the lovely complements. No one has ever said that before about my short story. I'm really excited to see the banner. Thanks again. Cheers!
Name: hedwig1175 (Anonymous) · Date: 06/06/2008 12:56 am · Chapter: Chapter 1
Aww! That was so sweet and so touching. I love that the teddy bear's name was Harry. :) And you had Lily and Severus in character very well! :) Nice job! I can't wait to make the banner for this.
Author's Response: Thank you so much. I really glad you thought it was touching and that I kept them in character. I know you'll do a great job with the banner. You can feel what I'm going for. Thanks again! Cheers!
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 25/05/2008 02:49 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 2
OH! How sweet, Ginny! It's short and to the point, but filled with so much feeling. I've passed a few of my own favorite stuffed animals down to my children, and I know how special it must have been for Lily to be able to give Harry the bear that had his name first. Snape really can be sentimental, can't he? Loved it!
Author's Response: Yeah, I really think Snape is sentimental, and in his deep dark heart he really is a romantic. I mean you can't not be when you've been in love with someone for roughly 20 years. I'm so glad you thought it was touching. I hesitated to post this story, because I was afraid it wouldn't 'jive' well with the first one, or that it might not be as good, but I'm glad you liked it. Thanks again!
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 25/05/2008 02:46 pm ·
Chapter: Chapter 1
I'd forgotten just how sweet this story is, Ginny. I love that the bear is named Harry and has a green bow. You described the cotton ball and stinging of the alcohol (or was it hydrogen peroxide, lol) well too seeing those through the eyes of someone who's never experienced them before. But I also loved how you let the simple word "mine" be so powerful and meaningful to Severus. Well done!
Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading it again. It was my first fan fic ever and I'm glad that it still holds up. I'm glad that you agree that the word "mine" is very meaningful to Severus. He doesn't have a true understanding of 'real' love, it is a very possessive thing to him. I think it's probably because he needs it so much and that his family probably didn't model unconditional love. He is such a heartbreaking character. Thanks again for the review and for reading it again. You rock!