OK, I have som e mixed feelings upon reading your one-shot.
I always love reading stories on the "missing moments" which had never made it to any of the books. This one is no difference and I immensely enjoyed it.
Susan is very believably written, two thumbs up for that, and Blaise in the first half is also very Slytherin. He, however, takes a U-turn as he gets disturbed by the series of killings and something makes him rethink if this is the path he wants to take. Also a very valid emotion.
At the end, the metamorphose is complete. I don't deny I was somewhat flabbergasted at the scale of this metamorphose, still, I do like happy ends.
My only criticism would be that for a one-shot there's simply too much happening. I can imagine this plot expanded into 8-10 2k-words chapters and it still would not be slow-paced at all. Too many events, too many changes before it could get boring.
Other than that, I enjoyed it very much. Nice, clean, literate writing, sealed by a powerful last sentence.
Good, one Slytherin at a time. . . and before you knon it, Baldie Voldie is out of 'volunteers'.
I used the ' ' because you know as well as I that most of his 'followers' were actually herded into the group, too scared to say no or blackmailed/ threatened into joining.
GOod for Susan in seeing the 'good' in him and knowing she'll help him, no matter what. Hope their furture turns out all right.
Pansy can stick it up her nose. Oh, wait. . . that would be rather painful, wouldn't it pug face?