Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 15/08/2008 05:21 am ·
Chapter: A Surprising Prejudice
I really thought that Harry and Ron were doing to come to blows!
And what's with Molly? and Julia? Hummmm?
At least they have some good news at the end.
Now what???!!!???
Author's Response: Molly and Julia's tiff will be explained as the story unfolds further. Actually, at the moment I have it planned for ch. 4, but I haven't been able to type out the changes that I've made on paper. As for 'now what??' lot, but it won't be posted for a while. I have so much stuff to organize in my RL that I just don't have the time to write what I've planned out. I hope you'll stick with me though. Thanks a lot for your review. *Eli*
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 15/08/2008 04:57 am ·
Chapter: Dreams
What a great to start for your story!!!!
I'm hooked! So, I better keep going, huh?!?!
Author's Response: I'm so happy you enjoyed the first chapter. Rewrites are extremely hard and I've been so bogged down with real life that I haven't been able to go any further than I have posted. But I do hope you will stick with me and continue to review once I can finally get things back in order and get these rewrites done. Thanks for your note! *Eli*