Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 19/09/2008 03:30 pm ·
Chapter: When She Wakes
That was very nice, getting a cross section of all of the various ways she finds herself reacting to things when she's half asleep and when her partner is in various places in the room/house and/or not there.
Now you need a story about the times he's snorning like a frieght train and or letting one rip and holding the sheets and blanket firmly over her head to trap her. Or him poking her and saying "Your turn" when the baby cries. Reality. BUT he's still there by her side.
Nice little one shot.
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 09/09/2008 05:07 am ·
Chapter: When She Wakes
This is simply beautiful. I don't know why, but it's so incredible that you thought of such a simple idea as this. You pulled it off so well! I'm a huge R/Hr shipper (canon for the win! :P), and I love fluff occasionally, but this isn't even the average fluff, if that makes sense. It's original, charming, and SO sweet! I love it!
Name: Labby (Signed) ·
Date: 13/06/2008 03:59 pm ·
Chapter: When She Wakes
Aww.. such a cute story. I love the simple messages in most of your story. You're so good at being able to get a point across in just a few words. I really adore your work. I think I'm addicted to reading your stories. Another great story! :)
Author's Response: I'm glad I've gotten you addicted! ; ) It really means so much to me that you enjoy my stories. And sometimes I think writing should just be simple and emotionally driven, instead of plot driven (or maybe that's just because I suck at plot! ;)) Thank you so much, Jamie!
Rose :)
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 31/05/2008 01:53 pm ·
Chapter: When She Wakes
This story makes me miss having somebody to wake up next to. You have everything spot on...the suddeness of being awakened by the crying of your child, the sheer contentedness of seeing the man you love already in there comforting your child, the anxiety of waking to him coming home in the middle of the night, the joy of waking in his arms...sigh. 800 words, but a lifetime of feelings, how do you do it?
Author's Response: I miss it, too. :( I'm so glad that you liked the story, though. Everyone needs a little bit of fluff now and then. And originally, this was 600 words, and I really struggled to get it up to 800. Sometimes I think the things that makes us the happiest don't need a lot of explaining. :) Thank you so much for reviewing, Taryn!