Name: potterverse (Signed) ·
Date: 26/08/2008 01:03 pm ·
Chapter: Show Me the Way
Awesomeness. This is such a great story on so many levels. You may not enjoy it, but you can write angst beautifully. How many times have we all been in that forest waiting and cursing to the heavens? Of course, I love the story all the more, because it is Snape that gives Harry the answer. I am so touched that you had Harry unknowingly thank him. Beautifully done!
Author's Response: Thanks Ginny! I think we've all cursed the heavens and asked for a sign at some point in our lives, I just tapped into that. I'm glad you had a chance to read this one! :o)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 26/08/2008 12:55 pm ·
Chapter: Show Me the Way
Thanks for this little story. It fills in a bit of that void in JKR's story....exactly WHAT did they do all those weeks and months in the woods? Besides having the biggest agnst fest in history, I mean.
And Hermione reading "Hogwarts- a History". When all else fails, stick your nose in a book, ESPECIALLY that one, for the answer.
Well, I have a pile of your stories to go thru, so I'll just conclude: this one was (although not official 'canon') a very nice addition to the HP story, and was not AU at all, but should be priinted out and stuck into the pages of DH, as part of the story.
Author's Response: The weeks of meandering through various forests in the book did get a bit tedious didn't they? But thank you for taking the time to read this story of mine. I truly appreciate it! :o)
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 24/08/2008 11:47 pm ·
Chapter: Show Me the Way
Look, I finally read it! :D
It's a great little story. Before I read it, I expected romance, but it was a pleasant surprise to find that it was, in fact canon. You're right, there was a lot of detail in the books, but you managed to weave around that and it turned out fabulously. Great job!
Author's Response: YAY! I'm glad you think it's canon. It was hard to squeeze this story into the little parts she left unwritten, but I hope I did it well. Thanks for reading, dear! :o)
Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) ·
Date: 11/07/2008 05:50 am ·
Chapter: Show Me the Way
It could've come right out of the book. Very well done.
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I appreciate it. :o)