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Reviews For In a Family Way

Name: norbert1175 (Signed) · Date: 02/11/2008 04:13 am · Chapter: Surprises All Around
I loved this chapter! I love how Harry is taking care of Ginny and how his worriedness (is that a word?) comes out in your story. I also love how he told Ron. The excitement about the wedding and the pregnancy really comes out in the story. Great chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks! After all Harry's been through, and all the loved ones he's lost, I imagine him being a bit of a hoverer. And who can resist yanking Ron's chain? He is too much fun to get all worked up. That was fun to write. I am so glad you are liking it!

Name: norbert1175 (Signed) · Date: 01/11/2008 09:46 pm · Chapter: A Change of Plans
Awww how sweet :) Very good writing hon. I really enjoyed the part where Harry was thinking about worrying Ginny after he'd faught Voldemort! I litterally laughed out loud for that one. Very nice start to the story!

Author's Response: Oh! I'm so excited you are reading this! I just finished the last chapter (there are 10) a few days ago, so you won't have to wait for updates when you're ready to go on. Let me know what you think. I'm not really as satisfied as I wanted to be, which means I will most likely go back and rewrite a bit, but it isn't bad for a first fanfic, I guess. Thanks for reviewing! Shanon

Name: pookha (Signed) · Date: 01/11/2008 01:48 am · Chapter: Chapter 7-Scary Situations

Totally scary and real-seeming, I could feel Ron and Harry's panic.  I could feel concern for Ginny and the baby oozing out of the computer screen.  Very well written.

You know, I can see Luna telling Mrs. Weasley about the incident, but what I picture is quite different from what you wrote--I think we have very different interpretations of Luna--your's is probably more canon than mine. 

Asteria here strikes me as very professional and calm.  I really liked the reconciliation between Ron and Draco and I can see the same thing happening from Harry when he recovers from his panic and Ginny has safely delivered the baby.

Very nicely written and characterised.


Author's Response: I always see Luna as seeing everything as just so obvious,like everyone should know what she knows. I really don't have to tell you, though, that her message to Molly when she arrived is probably not even close to what you or I would say. I don't see her as nuts, like some people do. I think she really is brilliant, just marching to her own drum. Or maybe she hears a kazoo, I don't know. I am glad the emotions came through clearly. I really wanted to get that panic right, and have Ron react when Harry just froze. I always see Ron as the go-to guy in a tight spot. He gripes a lot, but he does what needs to be done. He catches Harry's slack here, especially because its his baby sister in trouble. He never quite gets past that overprotective big brother thing. I am thrilled that you enjoyed this. Thanks so much for the review.

Name: pookha (Signed) · Date: 29/10/2008 02:57 am · Chapter: Chapter 6-Coming Home

You almost made an old man cry tonight with the final scene with James and Lily and Sirius.  I abso-freaking-lutely love it.  It literally brought tears to my eyes.

Good for the DA members, having a network of friends really does help.

Eel pie and haggis!  Ha!  Yummy!

I do really like that Harry went ahead and bought a mansion (eight bedrooms!) without Ginny knowing.  It's the sort of sweet but impulsive thing that he would do.

As always, very well characterised.


Author's Response: I knew I wanted to use Neville for this part, because he understands Harry's desire to speak with his folks more than anyone else. While I was at it, I thought it would be a good time to give the readers a glimpse of the former DA buddies' lives. Going through the things they did together forms a very strong bond. I like to think that they stayed close friends as they got older. The portraits were just an inspiration that came after reading the end of DH again when Harry spoke to Dumbledore. If he can talk to him, why couldn't he speak to his parents and Sirius? Besides, Harry's lost so much I felt it was time to start giving a little bit back to him. And was that you at eHPF that recommended eel pie? Nasty, but it came in dead useful! Thanks!

Name: pookha (Signed) · Date: 29/10/2008 02:44 am · Chapter: What Have We Done?

“Are we popping over to get Teddy, Harry? It is his weekend with us, you know. I think we must be very careful in how we tell him about the baby. I’d hate for him to feel left out or pushed aside, as much as he idolizes you. Maybe we could include him in the announcement. What do you think? Harry?” --This sentence seems a little awkward to me, not quite as someone would actually speak it.

 Your characterisations are again perfectly spot-on.  I would probably soften up how you described Molly's shouting: 'ravings' sounds just a bit harsh.

A pet peeve: stationery that you write on is spelled with an 'e' stationary with an 'a' means standing still.

Again, it's obvious that you have children and can write from personal experience.  It's funny how clueless Harry is, and Ginny's the youngest, so she wouldn't have had a younger sibling to take care of.  I'm still surprised that Harry didn't see some of this when Teddy was younger, though.

I learned quite a bit about babies from all my nieces and nephews, so I can sympathise with H and G, but again, it's not like having your own children. 

Author's Response: I don't know, Molly might rave. My mom did when everyone knew about my first one before her. As for spelling, OOPS! I knew that, but just somehow forgot and the spell-check didn't get it. I don't know that Andromeda would have really let Harry in on a lot of the real baby stuff with Teddy, simply because he was a kid himself. Or maybe he didn't even pay attention to that kind of stuff, and just played with the baby. I don't see a teenage boy changing too many nappies if he didn't have to. And you're right, neices and nephews can be sent home or to their mommy and daddy when they get on your nerves. When they're yours, you're stuck with them! Thanks, Carl!

Name: pookha (Signed) · Date: 28/10/2008 09:38 pm · Chapter: Conflicting Appointments

Really well done again and you don't overlook the obvious.  I would have thought that Harry would have some trouble for jinxing Draco in public and you covered that base as well with the 'paperwork' comment.

I like it very much when Ginny suggests lunching with the Malfoys.  Cracked me right up.

I think you thought out the procedures that Asteria used to diagnose and look over Ginny very well and I wish that I had sought out advice from someone who actually had had children before writing Luna's pregnancy in one of my stories-now I know better and can hang my head ashamed at my lack of knowledge. 

 The only part that I thought might need a small amount of work was Asteria's apology to Harry for Draco and her description of how life with a Malfoy was-it felt just a tiny bit strange or formal to me-something I struggle with when I write Harry, so maybe I'm just oversensitive.

Author's Response: Thanks for the CC. I did have a little trouble in having Asteria apologize to Harry. I didn't want her to just gloss over it, but I wanted to try for a little compensation for Draco, explaining why he is the way he is now. In trying to depict her high level of tolerance and intelligence here, I think you're right. It came out a little on the formal side. Your input means a lot. I may have to look at that part again in the future. Thanks!

Name: pookha (Signed) · Date: 28/10/2008 09:10 pm · Chapter: Battles and Bat Bogeys

You go, George!  When George is the voice of reason, things have taken a bad turn (worse yet if Ron's the voice of reason).  I really like the characterisation of George in this chapter.  I know that I keep mentioning characterisation, but it's so important to a story like yours to keep the known characters somehwat canon and you do it in a very believable and wonderful way. 

You particularly capture Harry's character well here in the way he's hard-headed, but seeks help from his friends, even if it costs him a little pride and listens (at least he started listening some after OotP). 

When I write Harry/Ginny, I often use my relationship with my wife as a guide to lend it credence.  It shows that you've been in Ginny's shoes, it really does.  I've read too many pregnancy stories written by 13 year olds and I can tell you have the voice of experience.

Author's Response: Three pages of "HEE HOO" breathing in an adolescent pregnancy story is enough to put anyone off their cornflakes. I hope that my version keeps people reading, at least. Barbara at eHPF said it was realistic enough to scare the socks off of her! Poor dear. Anyway, I am glad that you see the efforts I made to keep the characters we know and love similar to the characters we know and love. George has grown up, mostly by force, and sees things a little differenly now. I couldn't resist using him. I mean, my penname IS Georgia Weasley! Thanks again!

Name: pookha (Signed) · Date: 28/10/2008 09:00 pm · Chapter: Surprises All Around

The scene where you mention that Harry and Ginny would often sit on the counter and floor to eat reminded me very much of James Herriott's stories.  He and his wife had to do much the same when they started out.  This adds verisimilitude to your story and makes the characters and the situation really stand out.  Very well written little part of the story.

Ooo, Asteria huh?  I could see the Trio having a problem with that, but I think Ginny's assessment is probably correct that she's going to be a competent midwife.

 Again, your characterisations are brilliant and you really let the characters shine through in their situations.  I can totally picture Harry announcing he 'knocked her up'.  So funny.

Author's Response: I couldn't resist having Harry have a go at Ron. Ron is just so much fun to mess with. I liked adding the little part with them in the kitchen in their little house, remembering when I was a newlywed and we were just starting out. That was before 4 girls and insanity. I appreciate your opinion on this so much! Thanks!

Name: pookha (Signed) · Date: 28/10/2008 08:47 pm · Chapter: A Change of Plans

Just from this short first chapter, I would say that you have the characterisations down pat.  Ginny is right on the money as is Harry. 

 There are a couple of small editing errors here and there:  "Harry had been standing at in front of the small fireplace in the living room"--you should delete 'at'; however, the small errors are not enough to detract from the sweet story and sentiment of the chapter.


Typical of Harry, too, to not know what Ginny was trying to make-he always was crap at potions!  (Not that he would know how to make a preg-test anyway.)

 A great start.

Author's Response: I hate it when I change things in editing and forget to take out a word! I am so glad you're here to review! Thanks so much for the kind words. I reread and reread the stories to make sure I wasn't just creating my own characters and sticking Harry and Ginny's names on them. I'm glad you think I got it right! Thanks again!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 27/10/2008 01:29 am · Chapter: Chapter 10-And Baby Makes Three

I was lalughing so hard, I was crying . . . and then I was crying, as Ginny introduced James to his Daddy!

WONDERFUL ending to this most entertaining story!


Author's Response: Thanks so much. It feels so good to have the little 'completed' box checked in the story. This is actually my first fanfic, and it has been really fun to write. The fact that someone else enjoyed it is just amazing to me. I appreciate your reviews, it means a lot to have people let me know they liked it!

Name: reallyginny (Signed) · Date: 26/10/2008 04:53 am · Chapter: Chapter 10-And Baby Makes Three
Well, I love it and you know how much I love it!  This was a very satisfying, well-written story.  And I've never had a fic dedicated to me before, so I'm honored.  You're a very talented writer.

Author's Response: I had to dedicate it to you, you helped me keep going when I felt like it was mostly turning into crap. A little encouragement goes a long way with me, as I'm sure you've noticed. It is a very satisfying feeling to check that little 'Completed' box on the story. I think it came out okay. I really enjoyed writing it, so if anyone liked it I guess that is just icing on the cake. But reviews like yours really make my day. I appreciate you hanging in there with me for this one. Being my first, I had a pretty good experience with it, so maybe there will be more! I cannot tell you how much your support has meant to me while I've been writing, with this and my other stories. *Hugs*

Name: reallyginny (Signed) · Date: 26/10/2008 04:29 am · Chapter: Chapter 9-Getting There is Half the Fun?
Agh, such a cliffhanger!!  And hers was so similar to my labor, I had a nostalgic smile on my face while I was reading it.  There are so many lovely details about your story, it's hard to name them all.  I love the name of their house.  I love how proud Kreacher is to serve Harry and Ginny.  Draco's letter was so much in character for him.  Another brilliant chapter.

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. I had to give Ginny the experience of feeling like an idiot after going to the hospital a jillion times just to be told she had NOT gone into labor yet. That really sucks, and makes you doubt yourself so much. I researched the name of the house, and had a couple that I just couldn't choose from so I made a poll at eHPF and they helped me pick. I really like this one best, though. Kreacher is precious. I just get the mental image of him leading the elves in battle with the locket Harry gave him around his neck like a trophy. The way Harry won him over made it a bond of strength and trust. I had the most fun writing Draco in all his sarcastic glory. I really do tihnk I will have to come back and write his and Asteria's story someday. His attitude just provides an entire world of smart ass remarks. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

Name: merlins_pants (Signed) · Date: 25/10/2008 12:48 am · Chapter: Chapter 10-And Baby Makes Three

Oh my God Shanon! I am literally crying right now! I've been obsessively checking HPFF for updates and finally I saw on eHPf that it was up here and I immediately rushed over to read the last few chapters! I'm sorry I didn't review after each one, but I was so excited to keep reading I couldn't stop! This is in all honesty one of my all-time favorite stories and definetly my favorite Harry/Ginny story. I am absolutely in awe of your immense skill for writing. The story is both funny and touching at the same time. I love every bit of it! Thank you so much for writing this and updating so soon! I seriously could go on and on but I'll leave you alone now (for a bit at least, lol). Really and truely this is an amazing story; the characterizations and writing style is fantastic. I will definetly be reading a lot more of your work!

Love from a huge fan, Marissa

Author's Response: Oh, Marissa, you don't have to "leave me alone" so soon! HAHA! Thank you so much for the lovely review. I am so excited that someone liked it! It was so much fun to write. It was my first fanfic, and I have to admit that after reading so much of the talented authors' works from eHPF I was intimidated to say the least! But, with y'all's encouragement, I feel like I at least have a little bit of a handle on this writing stuff. I may revisit Draco and Asteria, and I have some other things on the backburner that I'll have time for now that Family is finished. Wow! I can't believe it really is! Thanks again for such a wonderful review. It means more than I could ever tell you. ~Shanon

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 24/10/2008 04:22 am · Chapter: Chapter 8-The Name Game

What a lovely, witty chapter.  I used movie references {11} and bits in my story also.  And bless his heart, Arthur was a old softy for E.T.


Great chapter, and good way to get the name, too!



Author's Response: I could not resist having Ginny give the name the tried and true test. If it doesn't roll off the tongue easily when shouted, get a new name. Especially since you know you are going to be yelling it a LOT. E.T. made me cry when I was a kid, and I thought poor Arthur would enjoy it. With all the special effects and everything I thought it would impress him! Thanks so much for reviewing.

Name: reallyginny (Signed) · Date: 22/10/2008 06:03 am · Chapter: Chapter 7-Scary Situations
I shouldn't have read this right before bed!  I was so anxious over Ginny that I'm going to have to calm down a bit before I retire.  Poor thing, having to go by Floo when she was bleeding so heavily.  I really love the character of Astoria the way you've written her here.  This is such a captivating story.

Author's Response: I'm glad the emotions were evident, and that you don't think I drew the drama out for too long. I love writing Asteria and Draco. I think I will return to them again in another story sometime. I really used this as a way to draw Ron back in and make him start behaving again. It usually takes some form of catastrophe to wake him up. I need him later!!! And chapter 8 is in the queue over at HPFF, but I will try to get it up over here sometime today. Now the last one is all I'm working on! Thanks so much for continuing to read!

Name: reallyginny (Signed) · Date: 22/10/2008 05:35 am · Chapter: Chapter 6-Coming Home
This just keeps getting better and better.  I don't know how I missed the updates, but I'm so glad there's more to read.  You have such a gift for evoking emotions and physical places.  I could see the house so clearly and I was left with such a feeling of contentment and joy after reading this chapter.  You worked your magic again.

Author's Response: This chapter was the last one that really 'came to me' like the others. I've slogged through 7 and 8, but the last one is looking promising! This one really afforded me the chance to bring in my dear old DA friends, and help edge Harry a little closer to his dream of family. And the portraits! Who could resist giving Harry a chance to visit with his mum and dad? Neville had to deliver them too, because he understands what it means to Harry to get them. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I can't begin to tell you what your reviews mean to me.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 21/10/2008 06:17 am · Chapter: Chapter 7-Scary Situations

Angelina? . . . PERFECT!

Quick thinking on Draco's part and quick work by Asteria.

Ron the prat, at least, figured it out( the prat part) quicker that Percy did. AND did the right thing by apologising.  Bravo Ron!



Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. Thanks so much for reviewing! Ron is a bit faster than Percy in recognizing his own weaknesses. He is not quite as proud, and has witnessed firsthand what pride can do to a relationship. He'd rather take his licking and get on with life. Draco is coming around, slowly mind you, to being a better person. It has everything to do with Asteria. Thanks again!

Name: Bob Joyvr (Anonymous) · Date: 15/09/2008 04:19 pm · Chapter: Chapter 6-Coming Home
Very well done. An excellent character
in this Ginny.

Author's Response: Thank you very much!

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 09/09/2008 03:42 am · Chapter: Chapter 6-Coming Home
Buying that house could have REALLY backfired on him.  I think I'd be fairly livid if my husband bought a house without even consulting me on it, lol.  The portraits are a lovely touch.  It's like bringing a little piece of them home for Harry.

Author's Response: I thought about making Ginny go nuts, but he'd done so much and worked so hard to make it something she would like. Maybe she'll lose it later, like when she realizes she has to leave her beloved cottage and actually make a move while very pregnant. I'm glad that you liked the portraits. I really wanted Neville to bring those to Harry, knowing how much they would mean to him. Thanks again for reviewing!

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 09/09/2008 03:15 am · Chapter: What Have We Done?

Ahhh...yes the conversations best left until AFTER one gets pregnant for fear they never will, lol.  It is all worth it though, the sore breasts, the labor pains, the morning sickness, the sheer exhaustion. 

 I really like how you show both perspectives, "his and hers".  The fact of the matter is, even if you've dealt with children your whole life... it's a whole other ball game when it's your own.  The one thing I wish someone had told me that NO ONE did, was that having a child (particularly 2 girls--I'm sure you can relate to this) was that I was giving up my right to pee in private FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, lol.  Okay maybe not completely, but the chances that I do are so few and far between that I truly savor each and every one of them, lol.

A couple of things... a cot in England is a crib, so Teddy at 8 wouldn't be sleeping in one (I think that's probably just a typo though, because you did write camp bed earlier).  The other thing, I checked the Lexicon and Draco's wife is Astoria, not Asteria.

Author's Response: It wasn't Lexicon, but JK's site that had both spellings. I may change it if enough people complain, but I did kind of like it the way it was. And you're right, I did mean to put camp bed for Teddy. I meant to change it, and forgot, so thanks. I'm glad you liked the way I had both perspectives shown. Audrey had to spread the desperation around a bit, and Percy is just an idiot, still. I know what you mean about no privacy in the bathroom. I haven't had any for 14 years now. I have 4 girls. The youngest is 2, so I still have a ways to go. Thanks for the review.

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 08/09/2008 10:41 pm · Chapter: Conflicting Appointments
I think I loved every bit of this chapter, from the description of the waiting room, to jinxing Malfoy, the two men fervently defending their wives, to the sound of the heartbeat.  Brings back fond memories (well, I didn't have a Malfoy, lol) of listening to my own girls' heartbeats.  I can't wait to see Molly's reaction!

Author's Response: Yay! I'm glad you liked it! I know some people had problems with Harry and Draco reacting so harshly to each other after the way they acted at the end of DH, but Draco is still a jerk. Harry isn't afraid of him being a Death Eater any more, he just doesn't trust the man. Can't blame him. I did carry it a bit far, but it was FUN! I'm glad you like the story. I appreciate your reviews so much!

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 08/09/2008 09:35 pm · Chapter: Battles and Bat Bogeys

LOL... I love that she threw a Bat Bogey Hex at him.  I wish I'd been able to do that a time or two.  I found it interesting that he went to George instead of Ron, but I enjoyed that little glimpse into his life.

I was thinking that Draco's wife was named Astoria, so now I'm wondering if I've confused myself, lol.

Author's Response: JK's site had it spelled both ways, and I liked the Asteria (still said like Astoria) better for some reason. Maybe it looks like hysteria, and that's what she caused! Ha! I had to have George in the story,and besides, Ron would have laughed his ass off and not been nearly as much fun. Hermione would have been there and read him the riot act for being a prat. I agree, MEN! I wish I could cast a good hex.

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 08/09/2008 08:41 pm · Chapter: Surprises All Around

Dun Dun Dun!  Oooh the plot thickens, lol. 

I like how Ginny threatened Harry, I totally flew off the handle at my girls' dad when he bought me the "What to Eat When You're Expecting" book because he thought I was eating too much.  MEN!  I'm eager to find out what Harry's reaction will be!

Author's Response: Yes, we tend to lose our minds a bit when we are expecting. Harry is going to have a rough time of it, I'm afraid. Thanks for the review!

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 08/09/2008 06:26 pm · Chapter: A Change of Plans

Oh, I'm in love with this story already!  I knew I would be, but I've been putting it off until I had a little more time to read the whole thing, but I'll just do the best with what little time I have to read here and there. 

I adored the bit at the beginning where Ginny was snoring, and Harry going from anger at her to such tenderness, to playing with the baby inside her... awwww!  I also love the way you've described them finding out so far.

Author's Response: Yay! I love your reviews! I am glad you are finding time to read my story. I understand about reading here and there. I am in the middle of about six different stories! Thanks for the lovely review!

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 07/09/2008 09:22 am · Chapter: Chapter 6-Coming Home

HE WEPT?????

I'm sitting here leaking all over my keepboard! You PUTZ! You made me cry and laugh like a fool, all in one story! Worth being up at 3:20 Am!

Bloody Brilliant ending.....or is it?  WIll there be more? HINT! HINT!


Good to hear about some of the other DAs, too and how they're doing. Bravo Neville! ( I love Neville )

Okay, that's it for now, it's off to bed for the old broad!


Author's Response: Neville had to be the one to bring the portraits. He understands better than anyone the need Harry has to speak to his parents. I had to add some other DA's in there, too. After the bonds they created during school, I knew they would still be friends now. Yes! We still have to get through the wedding we've all been waiting for and the delivery of baby Potter. We've got 2, maybe 3 chapters left to go. Hope you'll stick around!

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