Name: SpringTime (Signed) ·
Date: 05/05/2009 03:10 am ·
Chapter: Angelina Johnson: Getting Out of Bed
I love reading about Fred and Angelina... Or George and Angelina... the twins are always so much fun, it is nice to see their deeper sides. You portrayed her anguish very well.
Name: SpringTime (Signed) ·
Date: 05/05/2009 02:55 am ·
Chapter: Hannah Abbott Longbottom: Heirloom
What a sweet moment. I love Neville and Hannah and love to see other people's interpretation of her character given that we have so little information. You really created such a nice moment and your imagery was wonderful
Name: SpringTime (Signed) ·
Date: 05/05/2009 02:20 am ·
Chapter: Kendra Dumbledore: The Price We Pay
WOW! That is all I can say to such a wonderful perspective on something that I honestely had never really given much thought to. You could totally write Percival and Abuela's love story. Great job!
Name: SpringTime (Signed) ·
Date: 05/05/2009 02:02 am ·
Chapter: Petunia Dursley: Something Lost
Great addition to the tale. You really have nailed what I think of as Petunia 's character. The only thing I have to crit is that Voldemort was already looking for Harry and had had a run in with them... not that it is unlikely, but it just didn't sit as well with me as that being the reason he was there... although I do see why you did it as later it came up so that Petunia could know that Harry is the reason. Okay so now my crit doesnt even make sense.. Ignore me and instead focus on all the wonderful praise that I can give.
Name: SpringTime (Signed) ·
Date: 04/05/2009 12:16 am ·
Chapter: Remus Lupin: Choices
Such a nice insight into life as Lupin. I like how you gave so much depth in such a short time to not only Remus, but his parents as well... In such a small chapter you were able to get a real understanding of how his hom e life was and why he truned out the way he did. Wonderful job.
Name: SpringTime (Signed) ·
Date: 03/05/2009 11:38 pm ·
Chapter: Charity Burbage: The Letter
That was beautiful. I have never read a story with Charity and I think the idea was amazing. I am wondering what happened to Paul though. I am so glad that I started the review a thon with this story, it really was so well put together eHPF has done an amazing job here.
Name: SpringTime (Signed) ·
Date: 03/05/2009 11:08 pm ·
Chapter: Luna Lovegood: All Things Possible
What a lovely story. I like the idea of her mother giving her the radhish like earings. It makes her wearing them despite being made fun of so much deeper than her just being odd. Your story just gave me a wonderful plot bunny because of it. I did notice that you have her dad reading the magazine upside down, and I know that a lot of people have that, the only crit I actually have is that I thought it was just that particular issue that had the puzzle upside down, and that was why she was reading it that way... but maybe there is a puzzle like that in every issue. Anyway. Lovely story :)
Name: SpringTime (Signed) ·
Date: 03/05/2009 10:57 pm ·
Chapter: Percy Weasley: Prodigal
I am personally not a huge Percy fan, but I do hate seeing him made into a super bad guy in some of the fics out there. This was such a wonderful portrayal of what he could have been going through and how his pride kept him away. I loved it.
Name: BKL8008 (Signed) ·
Date: 08/02/2009 08:41 pm ·
Chapter: Luna Lovegood: All Things Possible
Perfect capture of Luna. It was a marvelous touch, how you involved the skipping. The Thestral at the end was the crowning moment of the whole story.
Name: BKL8008 (Signed) ·
Date: 08/02/2009 08:32 pm ·
Chapter: Percy Weasley: Prodigal
This was just excellent. We were left wondering why Percy came back, I think. You've done it justice here.
Name: BKL8008 (Signed) ·
Date: 04/02/2009 09:48 pm ·
Chapter: Lucius Malfoy: Last Man Standing
This is just brilliant, Bella!
I am in awe of your use of Lucius' love for his family, seeming to break Voldemort's hold on him. Pity that JKR so ignored the Malfoys at the end; even 1 or 2 short paragraphs, something like this, could have made it so much better. 10/10
Author's Response: Thank you so much, and I am so sorry to have taken so long. I had a long and interesting time writing this. I agree JKR gave short shrift to the Malfoys, who are, all of them, extremely interesting characters. Lucius had an entire arc -- top of the world to bottom.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 26/09/2008 03:43 am ·
Chapter: Lucius Malfoy: Last Man Standing
Bravo for filling in what happened to the Malfoys.
I just wrote a little drabble about the aftermath of your scene "I owe you my life - a Wizard's Oath" I wrote it last week, and just now got around to reading this latest chapter of yours, so we HP fans really do think alike.
Great minds move in similar circles, eh?
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review. I'm glad you liked the story.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 26/09/2008 03:28 am ·
Chapter: Albus Dumbledore: Expiation
That was a very . . . I was going to say odd . . but it wasn't, it was just so very fast, the whole scene couldn't have take more than three minutes in real time.
Fast, furious, spiteful, dangerous, sad, hurtgul and utimately, defining their relationship, once and for all.
Sad, really, in many ways, for Albus.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 26/09/2008 03:15 am ·
Chapter: Harry Potter: The Truth At Last
Hat was intense, wasn't it?
I know you probably didn't make up all of the mythology stuff, so, Bravo for taking the time to weave it into your story.
Glad Harry and Ginny got together, finally. Also liked the idea of living in the Muggle world. Brilliant.
Author's Response: Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed my chapter. Sorry it took me a while to find your review. I'm really sorry about this. Yes, I wanted the story to be pretty intense. I always thought that it would make sense for them to be based slightly in the Muggle world so that they could be more anonymous and go about their business of hunting Horcruxes without attractind so much attention. If I were then I would try to use the best of both worlds really.
Now, the mythology is taken straight from actual Sumerian mythology. I did interpret Inanna perhaps in an overly sympathetic way but that is about the only liberty I really took.
Thanks so, so much for your review.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 20/09/2008 11:03 pm ·
Chapter: Ginny Weasley: Growing Strong
Go Ginny!
I HATE teenage angst, but we ALL go thru it, I suppose. And if you don't, you're missing out on the good stuff. You really need a couple of these 'rough patches' or you won't know when you get to the good stuff.
Having been married to the same guy for 38 years, this is the voice of experience speaking! Because I kissed a lot of frogs before I found my prince. And some of them left a bad taste I'm still trying to get rid of.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 20/09/2008 10:48 pm ·
Chapter: Andromeda Tonks: Story Time
That was a very sweet story, as I'm helping to raise two of my grandchildren and I can empathize with Andromeda as to how tiring it is.
Nice to see some of the details and how they were doing, even the bit about having Victoire over for a play date.
Author's Response: Thank you.. I'm so glad you liked it. This story was a bit different from what I'm used to writing, but I liked writing the nice, tale of two people being married. It was a lot of fun to write and I'm so glad you liked it!
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 20/09/2008 10:31 pm ·
Chapter: Bellatrix Lestrange: Meeting
This is a good example of why, when you look up the term certifiably criminally insane in the dictionary, there's a picture o f Bella.
Holy cow, she really is out there,isn't she. And a good background to how she came into the whole Baldie Voldie world.
And she broke up with Lucius? Fooish girl, he was perfect for you! See sadistic bastard in your dictionary. There he is!
Author's Response: Haha, thank you for your review! Yeah well, I see her breakig up with Lucius as he was pretty much her equal, and I think she really looked for someone stronger then her in a relationship.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 20/09/2008 10:17 pm ·
Chapter: Angelina Johnson: Getting Out of Bed
I'm blubbering like a fool.
That was so well done, all of the effects that grief has on a person and thier psyche. The denial and the anger and the overwhelming pain.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 20/09/2008 10:06 pm ·
Chapter: Hannah Abbott Longbottom: Heirloom
A truly lovly story.
It's good to know that Neville and Hannah are still happily married after 25 years and that they had kids who are at Hogwarts.
It was a sad shock in the books when Hannah's mum was killed. GLad to see she got thru and psat that and went on with her life, as her mum would have wanted.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 20/09/2008 09:45 pm ·
Chapter: Kendra Dumbledore: The Price We Pay
How utterly bizarre and terrible. I'ts a wonder Aberforth and Albus turned out as well as they did, all things considered.
Explains a lot about their sister, too.
And the father going, willingly , is the most chilling.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 20/09/2008 02:04 am ·
Chapter: Petunia Dursley: Something Lost
Petunia was really warped by all of the emtional crap heaped on her over the years, wasn't she.
I know Lily didn't mean to add to it and petunia was right, it was her parents who did the most damage to her by favoring Lily and virutall y forgetting Petunia.
Funny to see Vernon in a semi-favorable light, but he fell into the speirit of how Petunia wan'ted Harry treated quickly, didn't he?
Very interesting.
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 20/09/2008 01:45 am ·
Chapter: Remus Lupin: Choices
So that's how Lupin came to Hogwats.
It must have been indredibly hard for him, but at the same time, rtemembering Albus faith in him as a student, he knew he'd stand by him as a teacher.
So it begins.
Author's Response: Yes, it defintiely was hard for Remus to return to Hogwarts, especially because I think he probably knew he wouldn't last very long and he had to brace himself for dissapontment and eventual rejection.
Thank you so much for the review, I appreciate it very much. :)
Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) ·
Date: 20/09/2008 01:33 am ·
Chapter: Charity Burbage: The Letter
I rather liked this little look into the unusual dynamic of having a Squib in the family.
However, both sisters seem to have gone on quite well and learned to accept their differences.
But they have drifted apart just enough to seperate their worlds without forgetting the other.
Good fleshing out of a mini-minor character.
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 17/09/2008 02:26 am ·
Chapter: Bellatrix Lestrange: Meeting
This was captivating. Your narration as Bella is very good and very real; I kept feeling as if I were in the situation and not a bystander. The way she is entranced by Voldemort is a really clever and insightful detail. The last line, especially, is so chilling. Wonderful job with this!
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I think it's the greatest compliment for an author hearing that the reader feels like being the character...especially when the character is someone as difficult as Bellatrix is...
Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) ·
Date: 09/09/2008 06:52 am ·
Chapter: Ginny Weasley: Growing Strong
I love this chapter! There had to be something that fired Ginny's resolve to be independent and strong. Part of it is her innate personality, but some of that blazing determination started here. A woman can only take so much before reaching the point where action must be taken. You either stand up and fight, or lay down and die. Ginny is a fighter, always. Fantastic! Yay Lisa! And I got to be a part of it! Yay me!
Author's Response: I'm so glad you liked this hon! It wouldn't have been as good without you! I appreciate all your help on it! Ginny needed to show Stephen a bat bogy I think!!! But hey, we all gotta get to that point, right? :D Thanks for helping and not letting me be too vague in some areas and too detailed in others!!! I appreciate it so much!