Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) ·
Date: 10/09/2008 01:14 am ·
Chapter: Please
How heart-wrenching! Hermione always struggled with the things she could not find answers to in books, like love and grief, and how to say good-bye to the other half of your soul. I so wanted Ron to at least open his eyes one last time for her! I think the lack of peace she had at the thought of him going on without her was sad, and very Hermione. She lost the careful control she loves so much, and Ron was her touchstone who kept her grounded in the best things in life. Without him, I think she easily could have lost herself in her books and causes. He helped her really live. Now, she is alone. Poor thing.
Name: Eyriana (Signed) ·
Date: 27/08/2008 09:52 pm ·
Chapter: Please
I really don't know what to say. The passage you chose for the summary is what first intrigued me - and now I'm so glad I've read it. This is a good thing, so don't you dare apologize - I've got tears pouring down my face right now. You hit something really deep with this - it's just done so well. This is your best work so far, in my opinion. Wonderful job, Tamara :)
Name: ginwannabe (Signed) ·
Date: 13/08/2008 04:38 am ·
Chapter: Please
Oh...this is gorgeous! Heartbreakingly sad, but gorgeous. It's never easy to say goodbye to a loved one, even when they've lived a long happy life. You portrayed that last grasp at holding on so well...the mountains and valleys, the incessant beeping, but when it stops...pain, heartache. Well done!
Name: Jessi (Signed) ·
Date: 04/08/2008 02:45 pm ·
Chapter: Please
Tamara, this was beautiful and sad and... honestly sent shivers through my body. I mean, I could feel Hermione's grief and frustration... her anger at Ron and her need for him to get better and come back to her. Oh, it was just heartbreaking *sniff* This was so wonderfully meloncholy and painful... great morning read for me; you know how I like to cry. *hugs* You really used the song inspiration very well. *loves* *glompage*
*sniffs more*
Name: juls (Signed) ·
Date: 03/08/2008 12:30 am ·
Chapter: Please
Wow, Tamara - this was sad. Beautiful written, and heartwenching. Your imagery use almost had me seeing hier hand touching his with a lightness. The sadness in her eyes, and the tears as she prepared to 'let go'. Something our favorite know-it-all can't learn from a book - only through life experiences.
You showed the love she felt for him well. The despair she felt as she prayed and held his hand.
And yes - 'Broken' by Lifehouse fits this story well.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the first review, juls! I don't really know how to answer it because it was so nice. =] I'm really happy I got everything across that I hoped to get.
Thank again juls!!!! *squish*