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Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 09/09/2008 04:53 am · Chapter: Chapter 2 - Unexpected Visits
YAY!  I was so upset when Harry lost his Firebolt in DH (of course not as upset as I was about Hedwig...*sob*) but I suppose it would have been cumbersome to tote that thing around the wilds of Great Britain.  I like how you just had Ron & Hermione stop by for just a moment.  I think that if they'd tried to beat him upside the head with reality he would have balked, but by simply letting him see that they were moving on, and yet, hadn't forgotten him it was the motivation he needed to move on, too.

Author's Response: Thanks for the comment about Ron and Hermione's visit. I didn't want it to be long and drawn out, but I thought they'd be able to knock some sense into Harry. Thanks a million for taking the time to stop and review! -N.E.P.

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 09/09/2008 04:08 am · Chapter: Chapter 1 - Descent into Darkness
Survivors' guilt can be an evil thing.  You've done an excellent job of describing it.  Harry always took things upon himself that were not his responsibilty.  I hope someone is able to help Harry see that wallowing does nothing to honor their memories.

Author's Response: Yes, I agree that Harry would find himself deeply imbedded in survivor's guilt. Also, so much of his life has been spent in the fight against Voldemort, I think he found himself adrift. While he was prepared to pay the ultimate price, he didn't intend for others to pay such high costs as well. Don't worry, he'll be getting better through the story. Having Harry stay this "low" wouldn't be too fun to read about. Thanks for stopping by and reviewing! -N.E.P.

Name: reallyginny (Signed) · Date: 18/08/2008 04:03 am · Chapter: Chapter 2 - Unexpected Visits
Really brilliant characterization in this chapter; Ron especially was spot on!  I loved the image of Diagon Alley coming back to life after the devastation of the war.  It was also very touching that the gift of the Golden Arrow was enough to pull Harry back into normal life a bit.  Excellent chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'd read about how dismal Diagon Alley was during DH, and I really wanted to show that the wizarding world was making an attempt to return to normal. I'm glad you thought Ron was well-written. I've occasionally been told that my Ron is a bit off, so I'm glad you thought it sounded like him. Thanks for the review! -N.E.P.

Name: reallyginny (Signed) · Date: 18/08/2008 03:58 am · Chapter: Chapter 1 - Descent into Darkness

What a beautifully-written introduction to your story!

He hadn’t realized the most difficult challenge was being one who survived. 

That line gave me chills.  It's so true and Harry, being who he is, would feel the pain most intensely from that aspect of the war.  Great work!   

Author's Response: Yes, Harry has had quite a burden to bear for some time. He'll take a bit longer than most to get back to "normal." Thanks for the lovely review! -N.E.P.

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