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Reviews For Silence

Name: Georgia Weasley (Signed) · Date: 10/09/2008 01:07 am · Chapter: More Now than Words Can Explain
That was a very sweet brother/sister story. I can tell that you and your own brother must be very close. You wrote Al's emotions and the reactions of the family well, but the frustration of Lilt at feeling she was losing him was the best (or is that worst?) I could really feel her sense of loss, and the relief she felt when he 'came back' to her. Lovely.

Name: Holly Ilex (Signed) · Date: 30/08/2008 10:14 pm · Chapter: More Now than Words Can Explain

And I quote:


Maybe it's my age (59) but did I miss something?

Where did Bethany get off to?  Why was she snatched out of Hogwarts like that?  Was she preggers?  And if she WAS, why wasn't AL dragged out too?  (It does take two, you know!)  I really am lost with this one.  It was a good read, but left me with too many unanswered questions.

Is there a wizarding ordanance against teen pregnancy?  Was she dragged off to the Ministry approved abortion mill? WHAT?!?!?!

Were Harry and Ginny upset about losing their first grandchild or just upset for Al?

Humor an old broad and explain, please.

I DID like you style, don't get me wrong, it was a very good story, just not quite enough info on what happened.

Like. . .  what WAS in that letter?

Curious (nosey) minds . .  MINE, want to know!


Author's Response: Well, I'll explain, I guess... The reason they 'did the deed' in the first place was, as it says, because Bethany was seeking comfort from him after finding out about her father's death and mother's disappearance. She is taken away because of what happened to her parents, to deal with attending a funeral, etc., and presumably to be taken to a new guardian. The letter from Al to his parents was about what Bethany and Al did, yes, because he knew he needed to tell them. No one was pregnant. It was just a very serious matter. I think you're missing the point, though. The story wasn't about the things that happened between Bethany and Al. I wrote this as a study of both Lily and Al's characters and of their relationship as sister and brother. That's what the main point of the story is - to show how Lily was there for Al through the toughest time he'd had in his life. Thanks for your review, though ;) Blaire

Name: StoryLover3095 (Signed) · Date: 13/08/2008 05:58 pm · Chapter: More Now than Words Can Explain
Wow, Blaire. This story, even though I don't have a brother, is a story people can relate to. Everyone goes through hard times and whether it's a brother, sister, or friend, you always have someone there, silently helping you. This is what this story remind me of. I really enjoyed this story. This will be a story I'll remember. :)10/10

Name: Elena (Signed) · Date: 12/08/2008 05:01 am · Chapter: More Now than Words Can Explain


So...Happy, yet sad :(

Al's first love came too early and died just as early...He knew what real heartbreak was before he should know about it. Its so sad in that respect, yet seeing in through Lily's eyes....It seemed less in a way, because it was like Lily absorbed some of it for him...If that made any sense?

I get what Al says at the end :) I think it was my favourite part of the story. Sometimes people don't have to do anything...Just 'be' there and get on with life as per normal. Sometimes we don't want the attention or pity or sympathy....

Very sweet and I'm glad that Al was able to break out of his grief and start to heal...That part is so important!!

Name: ginwannabe (Signed) · Date: 11/08/2008 04:21 am · Chapter: More Now than Words Can Explain
*sob*  This is so sweet.  I don't even need to know what it is that Al did with his girlfriend, because it doesn't really matter.  He was in pain, and his sister was there for him.  It was lovely, Blaire.

Author's Response: Taryn! Gosh, I can't believe I had that much of an affect on you. Thank you SO much for your review, it made my night when I saw it :D *squish* Blaire

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