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Name: Phoenix91 (Signed) · Date: 17/02/2010 02:46 am · Chapter: Chapter 25 : Let's Do It!

So far your story has been awesome :)

I've been trying to tear myself away from it since chapter 15 so I can get to sleep but you've trapped me, haha.

I shall be reading more tomorrow!


Author's Response:

Well hello!

I'm thrilled that I've ensnared you in my web, but so far it's all been fun and games . . . in the next couple of chapters old Baldie Voldie starts to appear and THEN we get into the 'good stuff' . . .  including my famous "cliffies"  HE!HE!HE!

Did you stop and read my one shot "That day in Diagon Alley"?  ( back at chapter 5 or 6? )  If not, do it now and you'll understand the Anna/Christopher/Severus dynamic a bit better.

Thanks for the review . . have YOU written anything? . . think I'll go check! You have been warned!


Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 01:34 am · Chapter: Chapter 54 : The Beginning of the End / Epilogue

I have to congratulate you. Very neat story with some pretty awesome twists and a fantastic OC (actually, three of them).

The easyness of your style and the flow of the dialogues is simply amazing.

I will read the sequel, of course, as soon as I get some free time.

And, last, but not least, I was right about the Secret-Keeper. Another awesome idea of yours.

Author's Response:

As you read the next part of the story, you'll remember bits from this that I laid out as hints as to things to come, but half of them were un-conciously done by me, it just worked out that way. . . . when you get to the ride on the Hogwart's Express home for the spring break, you'll see one.  Actually as the DA prepare for that trip. . . . keep an eye out!

Thanks for all the lovely reviews and hope to see you typing furiously on new ones, for the second half, again soon!

*hug, hug, kiss, kiss*



Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 01:30 am · Chapter: Chapter 53 : One last kiss

The first part of the saga ends her. Tying up loose ends, saying teary and not-so-teary goodbyes, some of them might be the last one.

This whole Fidelius stuff has been pretty fancily thought out, I need to admit.

Who's the Secret-Keeper? I have some hints, let's just see whether my mind is just about as twisted as yours !

Author's Response:

Actually, the Prologue and first thre chapters of the followint, 7th year story, pick up and overlap with these last chapters, filling in some important details.....have fun  mixing and matching!

I already KNOW your mind is out there orbiting with mine!


Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 01:23 am · Chapter: Chapter 52 : Henry…could I have a word, please?

Boom! Did I just hear about a dozen jaws drop? I know I'm not allowed one-liners, so I guess I'll just make it two LOL.

That was too much happening in fifteen minutes. The news broken to Severus in careful dosage. Most probably the fastest and least romantic wedding of theh century, yo, who cares? The love each other, righty? Neville, the best man for Boggart-Severus? HA!HA!HA!


Author's Response:

Time was of the essense, as the closing feast was in one hour and Severus wasn't about to let her go ANYWHERE without him having her name changed!


Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 01:17 am · Chapter: Chapter 51 : This changes everything

So, it wasn't a false alarm. It had a purpose. While not completely unexpected, I still want to know how on Earth had Baldyfart sniffed out Anna's whereabouts.

All plans turned upside down, and now Anna has to break TWO pieces of news to Severus. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes. Neither in his, I'm afraid.

How COOL's that!

Author's Response:

Baldie Voldie knows all about Anna, he has Wormtail and Bella to glean info from and spys everywhere.

Cool doesn't even touch it . . . . this is going to get LOUD!


Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 01:10 am · Chapter: Chapter 50 : I was afraid you'd say that…

WHOA! Of all the lousy, bugger-all times, did I have to get pregnant NOW? Unexpected twist of fate, and I daresay it will have a major part in further events.

I was not so sure about the cry-wolf alarm of Winky. Unless, it was a foreclosure of something that would happen in the next chapter.

Author's Response:

All will be revealed, Grasshopper, read on!


Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 01:07 am · Chapter: Chapter 49 : New Attitudes

The most important chapter in the whole story.

Greg House said "people don't change". Well, they don't. Yes, they do. Sometimes. Sometimes just on time, sometimes too late. Sometimes from free will, sometimes under pressure.

I think that you treated this very sensitive issue with the necessary caution, and the two talks, long overdue, were phenomenal.

Author's Response:

Change is constant, so going with the flow is good.  That's also why they put rudders on boats, so you can steer through the changing tide.

I just had to have Anna and Albus eavesdropping, even though they didn't say a word, they knew it was all going to be good.

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 01:01 am · Chapter: Chapter 48 : It's a Girl!

A Pureblood and a Muggle. Not even a Muggleborn witch. Just a Muggle. Who woulda thought? :D Nice discussion on not-so-nice stuff.

No, I'm pissed. Because of this chapter, I will have to rewrite parts of Forged by Blood. Completely. Full stop. Felix Felicis, huh? OK, I know, you were there first...gotta think out something new...

So Cissa, even in hiding, will have a major part in the coming war,, the brilliant Potions student as she used to be.  Still, the idea of Felix Felicis is cool. Had JKR lifted it from you? Sue her! ROTFL


Author's Response:


We wouldn't even be doing this if we didn't lift stuff from JKR!

Cissa plays a BIG part and so does Gwen & Christopher &  . . . well, you'll see. 


Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 12:53 am · Chapter: Chapter 47 : Draco's Decision

Oh yes, Draco had to grow up and has grown up. Maybe too soon for making such big decisions. With the coming of age come the responsibilities as well. I know all this all too well from my own experience.

You capture his internal turmoil rather well, I must say. He's not sure, yet, he instinctively feels what the right decision would be. Only, he's a chicken to admit it. Yet.

This one deserved actually 11 stars :D

Author's Response:

I know I had him make up his mind rather quickly, but I think realizing his own Mother was trusting him to make the right decision made him stand up and be a man.

The more I wrote this, the better I liked Draco . . . I STILL loathe Lucius, even tho, in my other stories I cut him a LOT of slack.  Go figure!

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 12:47 am · Chapter: Chapter 46 : Here we go

It's all happening, right here, right now. The details being worked out, not they just have to DO it.

YAY to cliffies. What was in that letter? Obviously, once it had messed Draco up that much, nothing too good. Guess I have to read on, just to find out ;)

Author's Response: HE!HE!HE!

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 12:42 am · Chapter: Chapter 45 : Confrontations

Brilliantly written confrontation between Anna and Draco. Quite understandable emotions from both sides and completely believable too.

The Masterplan.Narcissa is setting things in motion and Dumbledore is all too eager to comply. At first reading, I was wondering a bit if the meeting between Narcissa and Anna is at all believable, if they could be THAT friendly to each other. On second thought, however, I understood that they COULD, what with circumstances et al.

Now that's what I call quality writing!

Author's Response:

You'll learn a bit more about Ana nd Cissa''s school day 'friendship' later.  Stay tuned, boys and girls!

Thanks for the compliment!

I'm blushing . . . no, soory, hot flash!


Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 12:35 am · Chapter: Chapter 44 : Hello . . . Sister, dear.

Right now, I'm having the feeling, that "breaking the news" in three chapters is kinda bit too long. But that's only my personal preference. And, since we live in a mock democracy, and you're 5000 miles from me, I dare say everything LOL.

However, things are getting interesting again. Bella is breaking other news to Narcissa,  who will have to do something if she want to prevent Draco ending up like his father had ended up. Now, my interest is awoken again.

Author's Response:

Well it did take a bit to get everyone in place for the next bit of action, so forgive me for taking my time and giving everybody's view.  TRUST ME, IT'S ALL DOWN HILL FROM HERE!


Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 12:29 am · Chapter: Chapter 43 : That BLOODY Clock

Dumbledore had broken the news to the students in a nice, yet in an "I-won't-tolerate-any-disobedience" manner. Protecting Draco like this, even after all that happened.

You are right. It's only Anna who can turn all this into some kind of training. And it's only you who can turn all this bloody serious mess into a nightly escapade with a grandfather's clock. 5...4...3...2...1...NOW! RRROARRR! I woulda paid just to see this scene.

Author's Response: Well, she didn't want the kids to dwell on the fact that only their presence at the luau had keep the Death Eaters from attacking earlier.  So, go for the big laughs 

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 12:20 am · Chapter: Chapter 42 : You are my life…Anna

Good to back at Hogwarts, isn't it? That's what Anna thinks as well, especially that  she can see (and not only) Severus pretty soon.

Severus and Christofer had grown really together. Who would have thought? This is, IMHO, a very unique detail running throughout your story.

Author's Response: I got more into Christopher as I went along and I saw a chance for Severus to have a confidant who he could trust, besides Albus, who also knew about Anna and his relationship.  Who better that the 'other' man in her life?

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 12:15 am · Chapter: Chapter 41 : Reluctant Patient

Now the other side gets to know the news from the other side.

Plenty of aftermath to deal with. Pretty little filler chapter, this one is. Lovely, casual dialogues, as usual. ONWARDS!

Author's Response: The old "morning after the night before"  but with more headaches to come. . . 

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 12:06 am · Chapter: Chapter 40 : Emergency!

Nice to see, for a change, some human interaction between Remus and Severus.

Some news need to be broken gradually. Draco faces too many of them for one day. Father dead, mother beaten up and pregnant... well, no wonder he has enough from the wide world... I almost feel sorry for him, but only because of Narcissa.

Author's Response: Yeah, that was a lot to dump on Draco, but it had to start SOMEWHWERE.

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/2009 12:02 am · Chapter: Chapter 39 : Garden Party Déjà vu

A double deja-vu, if I might interject. Only this time, the outcome is different, which might launch some other unwanted events. At least this pat ended well for Anna.

The first deja-vu, however, the meeting with the clock, well, she could have done without it...


Author's Response:

Ah, but HAS it ended?  Or is it just staarting?


Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 16/09/2009 11:58 pm · Chapter: Chapter 38 : Good Old Plan B or C

OK, Movie Time!

Unfortunately, with the sad reality of mentioning Dirty Dancing. RIP Patrick Swayze.

Also, I could have done WITHOUT mentioning Chris Columbus. Normally, serial rapists get a life sentence, this bastard is legally allowed to rape the three last HP books. Dammit!

Otherwise, brilliant interpretation of the Home Alone movies into wizarding terms!

Author's Response:

Huh?  No, no, Chris Columbs directed the first 2 movies.

ANYWAY, I couldn't resist letting Winky help out with her new mistress' ideas.

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 09/09/2009 11:32 am · Chapter: Chapter 37 : Good News & Bad News

Yes, these will be events, altering the life of many a man and woman afterwards. Some good, some bad.

Malfoy's getting an assignment. Never good. Narcissa gets one, too, and there's no room for failure. For either  of them.

Author's Response:

Lucius wasn't sent by Baldie Voldie, he's doing this on his own to try and impress his Master.

Narcissa has made her choice and she'll pay dearly for it, but come out the better for it, too.

You'll see.   I had to tone down the scene between Lucius and Narcissa for GF as I was a bit more graffic in my first draft, but you'll get the idea, in about 2 chapters, what happened when she said  "No."  It wasn't pretty, but wife beating isn't.

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 09/09/2009 11:29 am · Chapter: Chapter 36 : Invitation to a Luau

The exam results are discussed. Newsflash! Slytherin's been royally scr.....d. It's soo nice to see, for a change, that their big mouths prove totally useless...

Partytime again. I'm afraid even to think of a situation when Anna's inferior motives would come in handy. But, knowing you, it's not that far away...

Author's Response: No inferior motives, dear, alterior motives.  " you get more flies with honey than vinegar. " Good hard work from the students deserved a reward, so why not a party?  I'd work my butt of for any teacher who acted like Anna, war or no war! 

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 09/09/2009 11:24 am · Chapter: Chapter 35 : Exam - Twigg-Jones Style
Oh yes, definitely the strangest exam I've ever seen. And, another brilliant idea from your pen. Honestly, however are you coming up with these twisted ideas? I'm getting scared :D

Author's Response:

Be afraid . . be very afraid . . .    mmuuhahahah!

Well, the kids needed some practice and/or dress rehearsal, so why not use people who would understand and also show a few others that the DA should be taken seriously.  And I gave Neville the honor of getting Draco's, too.  "Noisey lot, Slytherins."


Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 09/09/2009 11:21 am · Chapter: Chapter 34 : Tell me what you see

Getting mean and serious, they are.

I thought introducing Muggle means of warfare COULD be fun, but to such an extent... The idea with the slingshots and the different ammo types is wonderful and, combined with the night visors and the "stealth" charm they will make a great opponent to any DE.

Author's Response: Just wait and see . . . HE!HE!HE!

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 09/09/2009 11:15 am · Chapter: Chapter 33 : 'Do You Wanna Dance?'

Blissful sex at one side of the barricade and not-so-gentle feelings on th eother side.

I think that by putting this contrast into one chapter you wanted to make a very special statement. I wonder how many of your readers got it.

I loved your drawings as well. I would gladly give that heart to my wife.

Bette Midler is not so well known at this side of the Big Pond. More as an actress, especially from her 1986 movie "Ruthless People" with Danny DeVito.

Author's Response:

I've been a fan of the Divine Miss M since the early 70's, when she was just starting out.  If you google for the lyrics - 'Do you wanna dance - Bette Midler' you might find a site that will play it for you . . . I have it on CD, so have it to play anytime the 'mood' strikes me. . . my hubby got real lucky right after I wrote that scene . . .HE!HE!HE!

I'd love to find a jeweler of craftsman who could make that necklace . . if I ever do, the second one is coming straight to you as a gift for your wife. Promise!

Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 09/09/2009 11:02 am · Chapter: Chapter 32 : Change of Plans

Well, after the mass breakout, things WILL have to be set into motion, at several fronts at once, won't they?

The students' training suddenly gains real meaning as the shadow of the second war crawls upon them all.

I loved Neville's line: "I can remember what I need to.  I know that everything else I can look up, or ask Hermione.” Typical Google-generation :D

Author's Response:

The only way I got thru school was remembering what a wise upper classmate said one day . . " You only have to memorize what you need for the tests, your brain will retain the important stuff, throw out the junk and if you can't remember anything, remember this . . after you graduate, you're allowed to look it up . . or get some pencil necked geek to do the research for you; they live for that stuff!" 

I did this story for Neville, so you'll start to see him coming into his own. . . .stay tuned, boys and girls!


Name: datbenik513 (Signed) · Date: 09/09/2009 10:54 am · Chapter: Chapter 31 : We're Doomed

This has to be one of the most brilliant scenes I've ever read in a fanfic, the scene of the DE escaping from Alcatraz. This one, alone, would have deserved a Dobby.

This last part with Lucius taking his punishment makes me think that the events to come afterwards will account for some very big changes.

A short question: is it "Prophesy" or "Prophecy"?

Author's Response:

Brilliant? Really? Why, thank you kind sir! 

Just my sneaky little mind at work . . . have you ever watched the movie "Mouse Hunt" with Nathan Lane?  That gave me the idea of Scabbers running amok in Azakaban . . HE!HE!HE!

Short answer . . . pick your favorite, I'm an AWFUL speller ( thank God for spell check! ) HA!HA!

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